Introduction: Morning Routine With Makey Makey

This project was created to help students that require more assistance with following and completing morning routines. (This project could be used for other routines during the day rather than morning procedures.)

Using Scratch, I was able to code the tasks to each of the four numbers including a "task complete" confirmation.

The tasks that are listed out for the student to complete was decided upon by the student after discussing the necessity of following the morning routine. Involving the student will help with motivation and engagement. Allowing them to draw the images for the morning routine board will also encourage engagement and ownership.


Cardboard (I used the flaps from a cardboard box)



Aluminum foil

Paper (for images)

Sharpie (for writing on the materials)

Makey Makey kit ( I used a total of 6 wires: one earth, one for the space bar, one for the right arrow, one for the left arrow, one for the up arrow, and one for the down arrow)

Step 1: Select the Appropriate Size Cardboard for the Morning Routine Board

The size of the board can be determined by the available shape or if the student prefers a specific shape. It can be decorated to look more engaging as well. For example, a student may life football. The teacher can help design a board in the shape of a football and the student could decorate it to look like one.

Step 2: Create the "earth" Icon

The theme for the "Morning Routine" board Scratch is space and a rocket. The icon I chose for this student is a rocket. This piece will be used as the "earth" for the circuit. I used a Sharpie to draw the picture, double sided tape to attach the folded piece of aluminum foil to the cardboard, and one green wire (with alligator clips) to connect to the Makey Makey. I was able to connect the alligator clip to the inside and back of the cardboard piece (not necessary for it to work). The alligator clip should be touching the aluminum foil.

Step 3: Create the Other Icons/ Pieces

I cut more cardboard for each of the tasks and two additional pieces for the back of the board. The use of the two additional pieces will be discussed in another step. I used a very similar method as I did in step 2. I used double sided tape to attach the aluminum foil to the front of the cardboard piece. The alligator clip will attach to the top of the icon/ piece and to the middle (or back) of the morning routine board.

Step 4: Create a Bridge

To keep the Makey Makey board safe and the wires/ cords out of the way, I used two pieces of cardboard to create a bridge. The cardboard pieces were smaller in length than the whole Morning Routine board, but long enough to be folded twice. I made a little fold at the top, this piece was attached to the Morning Routine board- I used tape. The second fold will be perpendicular to the floor (or table) and the Morning Routine board. The third part of the cardboard bridge is used to stabilize the board.

Step 5: Attach Clips and Icons/ Pieces

I added a title to the Morning Routine Board and two subtitles. The subtitles label the columns on the board. After clipping the alligator wires to the aluminum part on the piece and the Makey Makey board, I used a small piece of tape to keep the wires more organized behind the board.

Step 6: Add the Task Completion Portion

I used the two additional pieces of cardboard to secure the aluminum foil to the back of the board. This only need to be one piece of aluminum foil because when students complete a task, the same thing will happen via Scratch. You will need to cut a long piece in the board for the aluminum foil to go through. I added check marks where I want the students to place the "earth" icon when they complete a task.

Step 7: Test Out Your Makey Makey Project

I attached the alligator clips/ wires in clockwise order to again organize the wires the best I can. You can see in the picture that taping a little of the wires down on the back of the board cleans up the area. You can see in another picture that the "bridge" created housed the Makey Makey board to make sure the wires are out of the way and the board is protected.

I programmed Scratch to have each task explicitly explained for the student when they select it specifically. To do this, when you select the sound block as shown in the picture, you will need to record your own explicit instructions. After the tasks were each completed, I wanted the rocket to reach the top of the background so, I made sure to select the desired distance.

Good luck!