Mosquito Killer Machine


Intro: Mosquito Killer Machine

Tackling and getting rid of mosquitoes is quite a tough task especially when you don't have access to expensive commercial machines. Even the marketed sprays & medicines are toxic chemicals and very harmful to health. In this instructable, we will learn how to make Mosquito Insect Killer at home. This mosquito killer machine attracts mosquitoes due to ultraviolet light and kills them instantly as its metal grid emit high voltage electricity. This mosquito insect killer uses a mosquito swatter racket to kill mosquitoes, thus making it safe for children and adults.

STEP 1: Watch the Video

A detailed video tutorial is the most simple way to understand a "How To" project. In this video, you will find all the steps needed to make a mosquito insect killer at home. However, make sure to visit step 2 for additional information and images.

STEP 2: Order Parts: Components

  1. Mosquito Swatter Racket -
  2. 3.7v Li-Ion Battery -
  3. TP4056 Charging Module -
  4. LED 5mm Ultraviolet -
  5. Heat Shrink Tubes -

  1. Mosquito Swatter Racket -
  2. 3.7v Li-ion Battery -
  3. TP4056 Charging Module -
  4. LED 5mm Ultraviolet -
  5. Heat Shrink Tubes -

  1. Mosquito Swatter Racket -
  2. 3.7v Li-Ion Battery -
  3. TP4056 Charging Module -
  4. LED 5mm Ultraviolet -
  5. Heat Shrink Tubes -

From Home & Local Store:

Cardboard, Connecting wires, Diffused cap from old LED bulb & a Screwdriver.

STEP 3: Order Parts: Required Tools

STEP 4: Disassemble Mosquito Swatter Racket

1. Open all the screws of a mosquito swatter racket and pull the plastic cover.

2. Desolder the battery & other wires from the circuit board.

3. On a piece of cardboard, mark the boundary for the metal grid of the mosquito racket.

Note: Make sure to watch the video to get visual clarity.

4. Refer to the image above and using a stationary knife, cut the cardboard, so as to fit the racket over it.

5. Using hot Glue, attach the racket to the cardboard.

6. Cut cardboard pieces of adequate size to close the machine later at the end.

Now, visit Next step to see how to modify the circuit board for use in Mosquito Insect Killer Machine.

STEP 5: Modify the Circuit Board

1. Short the toggle switch on the circuit board, so that the circuit gets turned ON when the power button is switched ON.

2. Remove all the indicator LED's from the circuit board.

3. Connect a 3.7v Li-Ion battery to a TP4056 charger module.

4. Connect the charging module and the Li-ion battery to the circuit board.

5. Also, attach an ultraviolet LED to the battery, that lights up when the circuit is turned ON.

6. Test the operation of the circuit by shorting the capacitor with a metal object.

Note: Make sure to watch the Video to get better clarity of the procedure.

7. Solder the wires of the metal net to the circuit board.

8. Make slits in the cardboard to access the On/Off switch and micro USB port for charging the battery.

9. Using Hot Glue, attach the circuit to the cardboard and close all sides of the machine using cardboard pieces of adequate size.

STEP 6: Time to Test the Machine

Our Mosquito Insect Killer machine is now ready. Turn On the circuit and place it in a dark room, the mosquitoes will get attracted to the light and will instantly get killed to due high voltage in the metal net.

In case you might have missed, have a look at the Video and see how I made a Mosquito insect Killer machine at home.

Make this amazing Gadget yourself and contact us or share your experiences on our facebook page, twitter and instagram. You can also SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel GOODTECH - Creativity And Science, where i frequently post new and creative content.

Thanks for your Support..!!


Your instructable is well done.
Unfortunately this is NOT at all effective at killing mosquitoes, so you should remove reference to mosquitoes. It is, however, very effective at killing other insects that are beneficial.

Quote: "External traps
These traps are not effective at killing biting insects (female mosquitoes and other insects), being much more effective at attracting and killing other harmless and beneficial insects.
A study by the University of Delaware showed that over period of 15 summer nights 13,789 insects were killed among six devices.
Of those insects killed, only 31 were biting insects. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide and water vapor in the breath of mammals, not ultraviolet light.
However, there are now bug zappers that emit carbon dioxide or use an external bait, such as octenol, to better attract biting insects into the light."

I agree. I have tried tried this experiment by a simple make shift way and found it that mosquitoes are not killed by this machine.

1) I took a cardboard box (one of boxes from Amazon)

2) Made a slot at one one edge of the cardboard box so that I could insert the Mosquito Swatter Racket vertically (no change in electronics) The handle protrudes out of the box but it is ok to test if this thing actually works!

3) Use a extension cable to provide power to the Mosquito Swatter Racket and tape it to the racket handle so it does not fall off

4) Keep a rechargeable UV light inside the box (I had one of these)

5) Use a sticky tape to keep the Mosquito Swatter Racket power button in on position

6) I placed the make shift Mosquito Killer in a dark room that had few mosquitoes for couple of hours but not a single mosquito was killed.

So very sorry to say this gadget is useless to kill mosquitoes. It may kill bugs that are attracted to light but mosquitoes are too smart to be fooled by light they only get attracted to CO2. I like the idea of placing a bonsai plant that emits CO2 but that plant has to exhale enough CO2 to attract mosquito across a room.

If anyone has a better idea that does not require complex process of generating CO2, please do share.

Dear, use the same co2 exhibiting plant inside the box that attracts mosquitoes, as our box containing mosquito shield they eventually die. Try it...

Here in Mexico, there is a "mosquito hour", a common term refering a period of time between 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. where you have to run safe inside the house, because we have a lot of cases of SIKA, DENGUE and CHIKUNGUNYA.

In that very same "moquito hour", close to my home i saw a plant with a dark cloud of mosquitoes, were so many that i had to stop and watch for a while.

I remember have read about that in the DAY plants convert CO2 in Oxigen, but at Night they do the opposite. That kept me thinking, there must be some plants that produce more CO2 than others.

Shortly after that the city management trimmed that plant, and i´ve been waiting it to regrow to use it to make a mosquito trap.

When it does regrow. please post a picture here.

This is the plant, that atracts dark clouds of mosquitoe.

Excellent observation skills!
We are lucky here (NZ). Where I live you can count the mosquitoes that invade your house - less than one a day (vision of half a mosquito flying around :-).
Good luck

What about the sand flies though .. I'd love something to kill sand-flies at my house (Nelson, NZ).

Sandflies, sigh...
Here's a quote, not sure of its origin, but probably true:
"One way to deter sandflies in NZ is to walk around carrying a penguin as bait, while eating garlic, covered in Dettol and baby oil."

exactly! I was wondering how this beautiful project is even useful? Seems like a waste of time and effort.

I catch bugs, flies and moth with my ultraviolet light zapper on the patio but never an single mosquito!!

Turns out the circuit board of the fly swatter (which I purchase through pointer)

is different. Rendering effort a complete waste of time.

Hello bovebernard,

I am really sorry for the inconvenience you have faced.

But even if the circuit board is different, the process is quite similar. All you need to do is disconnect the input wires from the circuit and connect those wire to the output of TP4056 charger.

Then, short the protection switch to turn ON the circuit continuously.

De-solder the power activation LED and connect an ultraviolet LED in its place.

Now, the final step is to connect a LI-ion battery to the input pins of TP4056 and enclose everything in a self designed box.


In my case, the on/off switch was separate from the circuit board. I had no idea which two points to short, as, because of my ignorance, could not detect the protection switch. The TP4056 to the Li-ion battery wasn't too much trouble,although attempting to solder on the negative only happened after numerous attempts.

Since I have all the other parts, if you could point to the a swatter you have high confidence has a similar enough circuit, I am willing to give it another try.

Just follow the wires from your ON/OFF to the board, that's where you'll short them. Or just cut the wires and splice them together.

Cool idea, but, why you dont use the original battery and charger to make the project less expensive? What is the advantage in change the battery?

The original batteries included never lasts long and also charge very slowly. So, i decided to use more efficient batteries.

Have you tought to put this post in the Before/After Contest?

This is a very cool idea, i have a Mosquito Swatter that stopped working, but now it´s gonna be a mosquito killer.

Thanks, Mosquito Killer now entered into contest.

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