Introduction: Mostachon

About: Just a college student who loves to eat, cook, and especially bake on my free time!
Mostachon is a Mexican dessert dish that I learned to make from my Tia Telma. It is a simple refreshing fruit cake that can please any crowd. I have seen a lot of other variations online that make it with a bunch of other ingredients that you don't need. Here is a much simpler and tastier version to try out.

Ingredients for Cracker-Cake part:

1. 1 1/2 sleeves of Ritz Crackers
2. 3 large egg whites
3. 1/2 cup of white sugar
4. 3/4 cup of finely chopped pecans (or Almonds..... much cheaper and taste just as fine)
5. 1 Tbsp of baking powder
6. 1/2 Tbsp of vanilla extract

Ingredients for Topping:

1. 8 ounces of cream cheese (room temperature)
2. 1 container of regular cool whip (8 ounces)
3. 1 cup of powdered sugar

Other Ingredients:

1. 1 medium sized container of strawberries, washed and cut into thin horizontal slices
2. 1 small container of washed and blueberries

Basic Equipment:

1. Two mixing bowls
2. Handheld mixer
3. Spatula
4. 1 Ziploc bag
5. 2 Cake pans
6. Aluminum Foil

Step 1: The Must-Steps Before You Start Anything!

So before you start on your adventure, you gotta do these simple "ahead of the game" steps:

1. Rip two big sheets of aluminum foil that will be able to cover the length and width of your cake pans.  Then press one aluminum foil into both cake pans so that it cover most of the bottom's edges (Trust me, do not butter your cake pans because it will be a bit**.... excuse me a "bit" of work to take your cake out of your pans). Next grab your scissors and trim all the excess aluminum foil that is sticking on top or over your pan (as long as your covering the bottom half of your pan... your good).

2. After that, pour your Ritz-crackers into a small/large Ziploc bag and crush them with your hands. (DO NOT OVER CRUSH THEM.... they shouldn't look like crumbs but still be half their size). Set aside.

3. Wash your fruit and with your strawberries, cut the stem-leaf part and place it down on its' white part (or used to be stem part). Then slice into thin-medium horizontal slices. After your done with all of them, put them in the fridge.

Step 2: Making the Cake Portion

Lets get-a baking!


1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Beat your egg whites with your handheld mixer on medium-high until it form soft peaks (about 5-7 min).

3.  Mix in the sugar, baking powder, vanilla extract, chopped nuts and crackers into your egg whites. (Make sure you coat your crackers with the egg whites).

4. Next, split the mixture into two and pour half of the mixture into one cake pan and pour the rest into the other. Spread the mixture as best as you can and cover the bottom. (It will seem like you don't have enough mixture to cover the bottom but it will work, you just gotta spread it and you might have to crush some of the crackers to make it fit better..... your cake will look like a really thin sheet). 

5 Bake both at the same time for about 20 minutes. (Depends on your oven, but around 18-22 min, you don't want the cake too crispy)

Step 3: Strip Away Aluminum

Now after you take your cake's out of the oven, let them cool for about 5 min before removing the whole cake (including the aluminum) out and placing it on a wire rack to cool completely. (About another 10 min)

Once the are cool to the touch, remove the aluminum slowly (and I mean S-L-O-W-L-Y) from the cake. (Just take strips of one at a time and pull gently..... might take awhile).

Throw away the aluminum and set your cakes aside.

Step 4: Time to Make Cool Whip Cream Cheese Topping

In a large bowl, mix the room temperature cream cheese and powdered sugar. (Mix until you can't really see cream cheese lumps).

Next, mix the whole container of cool whip into the other ingredients for about 2 minutes. (Should have a creamy white color).

Then pour half of the topping onto one of your cakes and spread evenly. Place the fruit on top and decorate it however way you want it . After that, place a small amount of topping in the middle and on top of your strawberries so that it can act like glue to the cake that goes on top.

Place the second cake on top and pour the rest of the topping on top and spread evenly. Decorate the top with straberries and blueberries whichever way you like it.

Step 5: Time to Eat!

Place it in the fridge for about 30-40 min and then it is ready to eat!!!! Enjoy!!!