Introduction: Motion Activated Sentinel

"This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida ("

Hi, my name is Ruben Duque. A mechanical engineering student at the University of South Florida, and today I'm going to explain you how to recreate a copy of my final project for my makecourse class which I called "Motion Activated Sentinel"

First of all I would like to point that the entire body of the project is made out of 3D printed parts and the desing is completely original from me. As a result there are not so many parts that you could buy around.

Step 1: Supplies

What would you need?

These are all the parts that you will need to create the Sentinel.

- An arduino Board. I used the arduino UNO board which came with the kit that I got at univeristy but you can use whichever arduino you like to.

- A breadboard. A 400 point breadboard is enough to connect all the components of the project.

- A Ultrasound proximity sensor (HC-SR04)

- A micro servo motor SG90.

- A laser diode (KY-008)

- Two flashlight LED's (I used the cheap ones that you can find at 7-eleven)

- Enough jumper cables to connect the whole system

Step 2: Modeling the Parts

All the part were modeled on Inventor 2020 I'll attach every drawing of the part down below. If you have at least 3 available printers it shouldn't take more than 6 hours to print all the parts. If you just have one it would take much more (About 15 hours of printing)

Step 3: The Schematics of the System

Here we can see every one of the elements that would be connected to the arduino.

The arduino board has a 5V pin that sends voltage constantly (we can see the little black and red cables below the word "power" on the arduino) those are the first two cables that we connect to supply the whole row of the breadboard with positive and ground connection.

The order on how you connect the electronic components doesn't matter and the results will be the same. Just make sure every element is connected to the right pin because if not it will cause an error on the code.

The first component would be the Proximity Sensor (HC-SR04). It has 4 pins, one for the 5V connection, one for ground connection, and two specials pins. The Echo and Trig pin, basically those pins are in charge of sending the ultrasound signal and receive it after it bounce back. The ECHO pin is connected to pin number 4 on the arduino board, and the TRIG pin is connected on pin number 3.

After that we go with the Servo motor, as you can notice it has 3 cables. The first one on the left is the ground connection, the one in the middle is the 5V connection and the last one is the one that recieves the signal from the arduino to turn ON and OFF so that one is connected to pin number 5 on the arduino board.

Then we can go with the 2 LED's that are simply connected to ground on the breadboard and the positive side on pins number 9 and 10 of the arduino board.

Last we connect the laser diode. This one works basically the same as an LED light (it has a pin in the middle but for the funcioning of this project we don't use it) Connect the S side to pin number 11 and the "-" side to ground.

These will complete all the connections on the arduino board. After this you just have to figure out how are you going to power the arduino, either using a wall plug or connecting it to the computer via USB or to a battery.

Step 4: The Code

The coding is the last part before puntting our Sentinel to work. It is well explained in the pictures of the code step by step.

Step 5: