Introduction: Motion Detecting Alarm Using Pir Sensor

We made a diy motion alarm for security at the door.

Step 1: Motion Detecting Alarm

What is it?

It is an motion detecting alarm made using arduino uno, PIR (motion) sensor and a buzzer

Why is it used?

Itis used to provide security in a shop or home, at the door.

Step 2: How to Make It

input- PIR sensor

processor- arduino uno

output- buzzer


jumper wires (as required)

PIR sensor- 1

arduino uno- 1

breadboard- 1

power supply- 9V battery

buzzer- 1

Step 3: Procedure


  • 1. connect I/O pin 2 to the breadboard.
  • 2. connect 5V and Gnd to the breadboard.
  • 3. find Gnd, Vcc and Out pins on the PIR sensor.
  • 4. connect (-) pin to the Gnd on breadboard, (+) pin to the 5V and the Out pin to the digital pin 2.
  • 5. connect anode of the led to digital pin 13 and cathode to the Gnd.
  • 6. connect the red wire of the buzzer to digital pin 10 and the black wire to the Gnd.

Step 4: Code for the Alarm

void setup(){

pinMode(2, INPUT);

pinMode(10, OUTPUT);

pinMode(13, OUTPUT);


void loop(){



digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

digitalWrite(10, HIGH);


digitalWrite(13, LOW);

digitalWrite(10, LOW);


