Introduction: Motion Trigger for Throwies

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a little way to make throwies that are vibration sensative

Step 1: This Is a Basic Vibration Sensative Switch I Found and Copied

i found this ring from who knows how long ago. it is a basic circuit using a spring and contact

Step 2: Try the Hardware Store

go to a small hardware store and get a pice of conductive pipe and a spring that wiggles when you shake it and is just small enough to fit in the tube w/o touching.

Alternatly just get a pen spring and the appropriate size of pipe. (this works ok but is a bit stif so it wont work w/o a fair shake

Step 3: This Is the Tedious Bit

the hard part is alligning this correctly and holding it there while you solder. the spring should not toch the tube sitting still or it wont work. sorry for the lack of pics but i can't get a clear shot when the object is so small.

Step 4: Thats It

just build it into the throwie.

that copper bit in the pic is the spring the silver below is a swith and contact tube and over on the right is the led (heres the pic update thx to niknik)