Introduction: Motor Driver Module

Hi guys.

This is my first Instructable , Hope you'll like it.

In this Instructable I'm going to show you how to make a motor driver module for just $1 and few Buks. Its very easy to make ,but all you need is some basic Soldering skills. If you are expert in making PCB and designing layout for your board, then I'll highly recommend it for you , but I've found that making the design and all the steps of making PCB is really time consuming . So I've decided to make it on Veroboard and it took less then 20 minutes.

Step 1: Components

  • L293D motor Driver Ic
  • Veroboard
  • 16pin Ic base
  • 2 pin PCB Screw Connectors
  • Male Headers

Soldering Stuff

  • soldering iron
  • solder wire
  • flux
  • mask

Step 2: Make Rough Desing

If you are a beginner, just like me then i have a suggestion for you to first make a rough pin configuration diagram on a page so that you never gets confused while soldering. Then simply make rough tracks for your module, make sure no track overlap each other.

Step 3: Soldering

Wear on safety mask, Don't ever inhale the smoke coming out during soldering process,can cause cancer.

Now start soldering, First solder the base of the ic, don't solder L239D directly, use ic base so that your Ic will be saved from overheating which is generally a problem with newbies. Make tracks in veroboard while keeping your rough paper tracks design in front.

Step 4: Adding Connectors

After the completion of tracks, solder the screw connectors and the male header to make it user friendly. Finally place the Ic to its base and your module is finish.

Have Fun. Thank you for reading