Introduction: Motorcycle Helmet Mounted Rear View Camera + (In Progress)

Hello! Thanks for checking out my project. I'd like to solicit input and options from the community for this project, and will continue this post throughout the completion of my rear view mirror camera for my motorcycle helmet.

So, a brief history of the project, ambitions, and initial steps. I recently bought a Harley Davidson Sportster 1200XL. She's blue and chrome, and she's beautiful. I named her Felina (kudos to anyone who knows the origin of her name - spelling is different due to only allowing 6 letters on a Nevada motorcycle license plate). I love riding, and Las Vegas is a beautiful city for cruising on a bike. If you're in town with your bike, hit me up, and we can cruise out to Blue Diamond, or Bonnie Springs Ranch.

Mostly out of curiosity, I started looking into HUD type and 360 degree view displays for inside helmets. I knew they had to be remarkably expensive. But there do not seem to be a lot of viable options currently available. The Skully Project is dead in the water, and Zona is close to what I'm hoping to achieve, but there are a few too many bugs in that project to warrant the funds. Inevitably something like this will be brought to our Biker Market before long, that is what I'm looking for. Only thing is, I want it now (queue the Veruca Salt song from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory).

My hacker skills for this project, are minimal, so I am expecting this project to take a significant amount of research and practice to make it come to fruition. It's cold now in Vegas and the timing is ideal. I'm hoping to build up my skills enough to create a viable working model that I can utilize next Spring.

Conceptually, I am looking to add a simple daylight camera to the back of my helmet, and have it display to a small screen located in front of my face, without obstructing the forward view. One of the greatest benefits to riding a motorcycle is the unobstructed view you have. The last thing I want to do is make that point moot, however, I think there are going to be a couple of options that will work for me. Keeping the display position movable would also allow custom fitting to other riders preference. And if and when I am successful with this version, I'd like to expand and include GPS and navigation, video recording, crash detection, music library w/ Bluetooth.


Currently I am working with the following resources and products at the moment for the RVHMCwD (Rear View Helmet Mounted Camera with Display), or Project Dragonfly:

1. Rasperry Pi 4

2. MED 3D printer

3. my own brain

So as you can see, I am starting off with some humble beginnings! But we stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us, and I hope to utilize the strengths and suggestions of the community and produce a working model.

I'm heading out now to see if any of the local thrift stores have a cheap helmet to pick up.

Stay tuned to see the first steps posted.

And many thanks to everyone who offers comments and suggestions!!! Bright blessings to you all!!!