Introduction: Mozilla Firefox Virus Prank
Have an annoying friend who insists that Firefox is better than Chrome? Use this fun little virus to bug the Firefox right outa him!
Step 1: Step 1: Record the Audio Files
Your going to need 2 audio files to explain what is happening to the person you are pranking. One is the audio file congratulating then when they no longer or never owned Fireofx. And the other is the one telling them they need to uninstall Firefox.
Step 2: Step 2: Creating the VBS File
Now if your confused what this virus will actually do, it does a very continuous and annoying beep that is very difficult to be stopped, even after deleting the file. In order for the batch file to do the beeping, you need a VBS file in the same directory as theand type the following code:
set wShell=wscript.createobject("")<br> wShell.sendkeys "^{ESC}" Set WshShell = Nothing
Then save it as 'whatevername.vbs'(without the ' of course)
Step 3: Step 3: Getting the Beeping Code
Now time to actually get the code that makes the program beep, first start up command prompt(CMD), to start it up, click your start button and search up 'cmd.exe'(without the ' of course) and press enter, then once its open type in the following code:
cd desktop
once thats in press enter and then type in this following code BUT DONT PRESS ENTER ON IT:
@echo echo
once thats in press space and hold down ALT and press the letter G on your keyboard, you should then see a odd symbol that looks similar to this appear, '/\G'(without ' of course). once thats in your code should look similar to this:
@echo echo /\G
once thats in, type this after it:
@echo echo /\G > symbol.bat
once all of its in, you can finally press enter, now go to your desktop and you should see a file called 'symbol.bat'(without ' of course), right click the file and click 'Edit', then you should see something that looks like this:
echo •
now just leave that window open, and now lets move to the next step...
Step 4: Step 4: Creating the Batch File
Now its time to actually write the code! Now keep in mind, the code references the 2 audio files we made earlier, this code refers to them as how i saved them as, my congrats file is named 'ThankYou.mp3', and my warning file is named 'WeWarnedYou.mp3', anyways, heres the code!:
@echo off
set beep=false :check if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( Start WeWarnedYou.mp3echo
Once thats in, after the 'echo' on the last line, open back up the tab that had the code for 'symbol.bat' and copy the symbol that looks like this, '•', and paste it after the 'echo' on the last line, then it should look like this:
@echo off
set beep=false :check if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( Start WeWarnedYou.mp3 echo •
but if your using notepad++ it will look like this:
@echo off
set beep=false
:check if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( Start WeWarnedYou.mp3echo BEL
anyways, after thats done, type in this code after the code you already have:
set beep= true
goto loop) else ( set beep= false Start ThankYou.mp3 goto checkSafe ) :loop echo
then, just like before, paste the '•', or if your on notepad++, the 'BEL', after the 'echo' on the last line, then enter this code after the code you have:
goto loop
:checkSafe if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( goto check
) else ( goto checkSafe )
now, once all of the code is together, it should look like this:
@echo off
set beep=false :check if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( Start WeWarnedYou.mp3 echo •set beep= true goto loop
) else ( set beep= false Start ThankYou.mp3 goto checkSafe ) :loop echo •
goto loop
:checkSafe if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( goto check
) else ( goto checkSafe )
Or if your using notepad++:
@echo off
set beep=false :check if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( Start WeWarnedYou.mp3 echo BELset beep= true goto loop
) else ( set beep= false Start ThankYou.mp3 goto checkSafe ) :loop echo BEL
goto loop
:checkSafe if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( goto check
) else ( goto checkSafe )
Step 5: Step 5: Get It to Run in the Background
BAT to EXE converter download above
Now, if this file was just open and did the beeping, ANYONE could close it, thats why we need it to be in the background of your victims computer...
In order for it to run in the background, we have to convert the BAT to a EXE.
Once its converted, and you have pranked your friend, HOW DO YOU STOP IT?!, there should be a video above explaining how...