Introduction: Multifaceted Lamp
A few months ago I came up with the idea of making a cube lamp with many squares in it that would create something like a vortex pattern and great light effects.
Thanks to that lamp I made, I got inspired to make another one with that same technique, but the main idea was to create different patterns for each side of the cube.
This makes this multifaceted lamp even more interesting to look at because you can see 4 different light effects, depending on the way you turn your lamp!
Like most of my lamps, even this one is made out of upcycled corrugated cardboard so it's eco-friendly and, believe it or not, even very simple to make!
You can find this lamp and my other creations in my Etsy shop.
If you like it, please vote for it! Thanks :)
Step 1: Materials and Tools
- corrugated cardboard - I used one with 3 layers of waves so many of the measures in this tutorial are based on it (it's 1,5cm thick - 0.59'')
- white glue
- cutter
- ruler
- pencil
- lightbulb socket with cable
- LED light bulb - there won't be any fire hazard this way!
Step 2: Cut the Frames
This lamp is composed of many frames so the first thing you have to do is drawing a 19 cm (7.48'') square on the cardboard.
Now draw other 8 smaller squares in it, one smaller than the other. You must leave 1 cm (0.39'') of space between them. This way you'll obtain 8 frames with one smaller square in the middle.
Using a cutter and a ruler, cut all of the frames being very accurate and, starting from the biggest one, keep the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and the small square. You can put the others aside*.
The first group of frames is done. Now make other 3 groups just like this one. Each group will compose a side of your lamp.
*Don't throw those "middle" frames away! You'll still need some later and you can use the others to make another lamp, like I did.
Step 3: Compose the First Side
Each group of frames will compose a different pattern so let's start with one of the groups.
Place the second biggest frame in the biggest one and glue one of its angles to the other frame's angle, as you can see in the picture. Their sides will be joined together as well.
I chose to do this on the bottom angle on the left, but you can do the same on another angle, it doesn't really matter.
Now repeat what you've just done to glue the 3rd, 4th and small square one inside of the other, always joining them on the same side.
The first side of your lamp is over.
Step 4: Compose the Second Side
The second side is very similar to the first one, except that the frame's angles don't touch each other this time. Only their sides do.
So glue the bottom side of the second biggest frame to the bottom side of the biggest frame, making sure to center the small one as much as you can.
Keep gluing the frames of that group one inside of the other with their bottom sides touching each other.
The second side is done.
Step 5: Compose the Third Side
Consider another group of frames now.
This pattern will create a "spiral" effect and it's a little bit trickier.
The second frame must be glued to the left bottom angle of the first frame.
The third frame must be glued to the second frame's upper angle on the left.
The fourth frame must be glued to the third frame's upper angle on the right.
And finally, the small square must be glued to the previous frame's bottom angle on the left.
It's much easier to do than to say! You simply have to glue their angles together one at a time clockwise (or vice versa).
Third side: done!
Step 6: Compose the Fourth Side
This is probably the most fascinating one.
Take your last group of frames and place the second one inside of the biggest one as usual: rotate the second one to the right and glue its corners to the sides of the big frame.
Place the third frame inside the second one and rotate it to the left this time. Glue its corners to the sides of the other frame like you did before.
Place the fourth frame inside the third one, rotate it to the right again and apply glue on its corners to secure it.
Finally, place the small square in the last frame, rotate it to the left and apply glue. The square will be too small to touch the sides of the frame so glue just 2 of its corners to it.
The last side is over!
Step 7: Compose the Lampshade
Now that you have all of your four sides, it's time to join them together to form a cube.
The sides will be called pieces from now on otherwise it would be too confusing.
Take a piece and apply glue on one of its borders (where the waves are) and glue it to the back of another piece, making sure to place it on its border, forming a right angle.
Do the same thing with the other 2 pieces.
Compose the cube joining the two together and apply glue like you did before.
Step 8: Create the Lamp Holder Piece
You still need a piece that will hold the bulb socket, so draw a 17,5 x 5 cm (6.88'' x 1.96'') rectangle on cardboard. It's length is as long as the inside of the cube.
Trace the outline of your bulb socket in the middle of the rectangle and draw a square around it, just as big.
I recommend you to draw this square because it's much easier to cut by hand than a circle.
Now cut everything using a cutter, including the small square that you'll finally remove. That will be the hole for your bulb socket.
Place your lampshade upside down and glue the cardboard rectangle on the inside of the cube, keeping it close to the upper borders. Make sure to center it and press the two opposite sides of the cube together to make them stick to the rectangular piece.
Step 9: Make the Base Pieces
The last pieces you need are the ones for the base.
These pieces are new frames composed by separated strips of cardboard.
To make these pieces, draw 8 strips on cardboard. These strips must be 19 x 1,4 cm (7.48'' x 0.5'').
1,4 cm is actually the cardboard's thickness so make sure to adjust this measure depending on how thick your cardboard is.
Now take 4 strips and glue their tips together to form a frame.
Do the same with the other 4 strips.
Step 10: Compose the Base
Now glue the 2 frames together, one above the other.
Cut out a 1 cm (0.39'') piece from the middle of one of the strips, as you can see in the third picture. You'll need this hole for the cable to pass through.
Your base is ready!
Place your lampshade upside down again and glue the base on top, right where the rectangle is. Remember to keep the side with the hole for the cable on top (it will eventually be the bottom of the lamp).
Step 11: Finish the Top
Remember the "middle" frames you removed from the frame groups at the beginning?
I told you not to throw them away because you need 2 of them now.
Consider just one group of frames.
Take the first biggest frame and the second one: place the second inside of the other and rotate it to the left. Glue its corners to the sides of the big frame like you did for one of the sides of the lamp.
Apply glue on the big frame's corners now and place it on top of the lamp, rotating it to the right to meet the borders.
It's important not to put any more smaller frames this time because you need this bigger hole to be able to install the bulb whenever you want.
Step 12: Install the Bulb Socket and Lightbulb
All you have to do now is to insert the bulb socket from the bottom of the lamp and put the lightbulb in it.
Your lamp is over and you can finally turn it on and admire it :)
Which side is your favorite one?