Introduction: Multiplexing Four 7-segment Displays Using Shift Registers Arduino
Hallo Every one
I designed a simple way to multiplex four 7-Segment displays using Shift Registers and an Arduino
Let us multiplex the 7 segment display
Step 1: Step-1 : Let's Design
Take four 7-segment displays and solder them on a PCB in a side by side manner.
A cathode or anode display can be used. This design is for an anode display.
Combine the 7 pins (pin-a to pin-g) and the dot pin of all the four displays.
Take four BC548 NPN transistors
connect each transistor emitter to each anode of 7 segment display
Combine all collector pins together it is for power supply +5v
then we have connect base of transistors and a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dot pins to shift-registers
go to next step
Step 2: Connecting to ShiftRegisters
Take two 74HC595 shift Registers
connect them to form 16 bit shift register by connecting serial pin of first shift register to data pin of second shift register
Combine latch pins to form single , like wise combine clock pins to form single one
Connect enable (active low)pin to ground pin on both register
connect master reset pin(active Low)pin to Vcc in on both registers
this connection form a 16 bit shift register
now connect the a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dot pins of LED to Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7 pins of first shift register
Now connect Base of transistors ,First LED Transistor Base Pin to second shift register Q0 pin , second Base of transistor to Q1, third to Q2, fourth to Q3
Now the set up is completed Next coding
Step 3: Coding
we have 7 segments a,b,c,d,e,f,g according to diagram
to display 0,9 numbers some segments make them to on , some off
Number Byte_to_display_7sgment(a-g) Decimal_number
0 0b0000001 1
1 0b1001111 79
2 0b0110110 18
3 0b0000110 6
4 0b1001100 76
5 0b0100100 36
6 0b0100000 32
7 0b0001111 15
8 0b0000000 0
9 0b0001100 12
above is byte and decimal code to display the numbers in 7segments
we have shift this byte to first shift register ,because we connect the first shift register parallel pins to LED's a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dot pins
we connected the LED on circuit (transistor Bases) to second shift register
for make first led on we have to shift
00000001 into second shift-register
00000010 for Second LED on
00000100 for third one
00001000 for fourth one
In this design we connect first and second shift-registers each other
so we first shift the position byte first and the value next the potion byte will move to the second shift register by using serial out pin of first one then we can shift the value bytes
for display 5 on third LED we have shift the byte
00000100 then 0100100
Next :arduino Coding
Step 4: Arduino Coding
I was written a code , that was take the 4 digit number from serial input and display onto the 4 LED
See the files for the Code
Note: I just designed it not tested , because presently i don't have arduino and LED
code written based on Imagination