Introduction: MutantC V3 - Modular and Powerful HandHeld PC
A Raspberry-pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display and Expansion header for custom boards (Like Arduino Shield).
mutantC_V3 is successor of mutantC_V1 and V2. Check out mutantC_V1 and mutantC_V2.!
First take a look at this in 3D using AutoDesk Fusion 360 Online here.
There are some key features.
- Have RTC & buzzer.
- Supports v2 Add-ons.
- A track point to have mouse support with left, right buttons.
- Gyro support using MPU6050 module & presure, temp and humidity support usin BME280 module.
- Able to turn of modules, Display, Add-ons using keyboard button.
- Full poweroff using OS and keyboard key.
- 12 pin docking port beside Pi USB ports with UART, I2C, Charging and GPIO.
- 3D parts are more solid and reduce supports when printing.
- Able to read battery voltage using Pro Micro.
- 2 LED's connected to Pro Micro with PWM support and 1 connected Pi.
Move the stema/Qt I2c connector bottom so it is acessible from outside. - It is fully open-source hardware. So you can Hack it as you wish.You can make your expansion-card like gps, Radio etc and attach with it.
- You can use any Raspberry-pi form factor like Asus Tinker Board S / PINE H64 Model B/ Banana Pi BPI-M4B etc. You can use Raspberry-pi zero to 4.
- You can access all the ports of the pi and the back part is attached with 4 screw.
- It can hold a 4" or 3.5" touch screen. Also have a physical keyboard attached via USB.
- 18650 battery with charge and discharge protraction .
- You can use Littlevgl make UI that don't need a OS form here.
- It don't need any custom image of Raspbian. You can use vanilla Raspbian and install the LCD driver, that's it.
- So little parts needed to make one. See the parts_list .
- You can use C Suite Application suite made more touch based device in this. This apps are suitable for small screens. See the C Suite.
- Added Adafruit STEMMA QT and SparkFun qwiic connector.
Here is the Project website.
Project files in Gitlab .
So make yours and help us to make a Community around it.
Step 1: Gather All the Parts to Build Your Powerful MutantC
Here we will discusses what you need to build one. This device is very easy to make, you don't need lots of tools and parts. No codding skill is needed. just basic stuff like upload a code to Arduino, little skill in Linux CMD line to install the driver. Little soldering skill that's all.
You need this parts to make one for your self (this are not affiliate links):
- Raspberry-Pi -
- Zero, 2, 3, 4
- LCD -
- 3.5 inch gpio LCD
- 4.0 inch gpio LCD
- 2.8 inch gpio LCD
- SparkFun Pro Micro -
- Push buttons -
- Printed pcb -
- 3d parts -
- FPC-connector -
- 2 x 1mm pitch 16 pin upper lock
- 2 x 1mm pitch 10 pin upper lock
- FPC-cable -
- 1 x 1mm pitch 16 pin Type B between 60mm and 100mm
- (Type B means reversed i.e. contacts on the opposite side)
- 1 x 1mm pitch 10 pin Type B between 50mm
- 1 x 1mm pitch 16 pin Type B between 60mm and 100mm
- Screws -
- M2.5 10mm x screws
- M2.5 x nuts
- Resistors -
- 5 x 10k SMD 1206
- 7 x 100k/10k SMD 1206
- 3 x 1k SMD 1206 (this are for LEDS, use other values if you want)
- Capasitor -
- 3 x 100nf SMD 1206
- IC -
- 1 x PCF8575 SOP24 -
- 1 x DS3231 SO16W
- Diode -
- 1 x BAT54C SOT23
- Mosfet -
- 1 x AO4616 or IRF7319 SO8
- 6 x Si2301 or AO3401 SOT23
- Headers -
- Modules -
- Battery -
- 1x Li-ion 18650 battery ideally >= 3000mAh ideally from well known brand such as LG/SAMSUNG/PANASONIC - 1x 3.7 v CR1220
- LEDs -
- 3 x 3mm led
Step 2: Print PCB and 3D Parts
You need to print 6 3D parts and need 2 PCBs.
3D Parts
- Download all the Parts STL files from hereprint by your self or use printedsolid.
- And use this two garber files from display_PCB , main_PCB , thumbstick_PCB order the pcbs from PCBWay.
- Follow this link to order all 3 PCB from PCBWay, click here.
Step 3: Solder the Ardiuno Pro Micro, Buttons and FPC Connector
Solder all the buttons, modules using a flow oven or by hand.
and You have cut the headers to keep a low profile.
Step 4: Make the Docking Port
Follow the pictures, it is easy to make on.
Step 5: Add the PBC's in the 3D Printed Parts
Now put the thumbstick_PCB first then the main_PCB. Then the right 3D part.
Step 6: Install Firmware, OS in SD, LCD Driver and Solder the Battery Terminals
Install the Device firmware using Arduino IDE.
Use this firmware form HERE.
Then try a dry boot just adding the LCD, if all goes togather then go on second step.
Step 7: Now Put the LCD and 3D Parts Related to It
Step 8: Now Put All Togather With Screws, You Can Put Add-ons in This Step
You can use Many Add-ons that goes in mutantC expansion port.
See the all of them from HERE.
Step 9: Install OS and LCD Driver
I recommend using the official raspberry pi OS. Format a SD card with the OS and now install the LCD driver.
There is many way to install the LCD driver, but the easy one is connect the pi with a HDMI display and install the driver and then put the pi back into the mutantC.
Use this driver, it has touch support if your LCD supports.
NT: You Just need the SD card with OS + LCD driver is installed on it, Driver is not ddepends on the which Pi you are using, it depends on the LCD size.
And you can use that installed driver SD card in the mutantC, no need to use the same pi which you used to install the driver.