Introduction: MutantC_v2 - an Easy to Build Raspberry Pi Handheld/UMPC

A Raspberry-pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display and Expansion header for custom boards (Like Arduino Shield).

mutantC_V2 is successor of mutantC_V1. Check out mutantC_V1 from here.!

First take a look at this in 3D using AutoDesk Fusion 360 Online here.

There are some key features.

  • It is fully open-source hardware. So you can Hack it as you wish.You can make your expansion-card like gps, Radio etc and attach with it.

  • You can use any Raspberry-pi form factor like Asus Tinker Board S / PINE H64 Model B/ Banana Pi BPI-M4B etc. You can use Raspberry-pi zero to 4.

  • You can access all the ports of the pi and the back part is attached with 4 screw.

  • It can hold a 4" or 3.5" touch screen. Also have a physical keyboard attached via USB.

  • 18650 battery with charge and discharge protraction .

  • You can use Littlevgl make UI that don't need a OS form here.

  • It don't need any custom image of Raspbian. You can use vanilla Raspbian and install the LCD driver, that's it.

  • So little parts needed to make one. See the parts_list .

  • You can use C Suite Application suite made more touch based device in this. This apps are suitable for small screens. See the C Suite.

  • Added Adafruit STEMMA QT and SparkFun qwiic connector.

Youtube channel.

Here is the Project website.
Project files in Gitlab .

So make yours and help us to make a Community around it.

Step 1: Gather All the Parts You Need

Again take a look at this in 3D using AutoDesk Fusion 360 Online.

Here we will discusses what you need to build one. This device is very easy to make, you don't need lots of tools and parts. No codding skill is needed. just basic stuff like upload a code to Arduino, little skill in Linux CMD line to install the driver. Little soldering skill that's all.

You need this parts to make one for your self (this are not affiliate links):

Step 2: Print PCB and 3d Parts

You need to print 6 3D parts and need 2 PCBs.

3D Parts


Step 3: Solder the Ardiuno Pro Micro and Buttons and FPC Connector

Solder all the buttons using a flow oven or by hand.
and You have cut the headers to keep a low profile.

Step 4: Now Put the LCD

Step 5: Solder the Micro Usb Connector.

Step 6: Install Firmware and Put All Togather

Install Keyboard and Device firmware using Arduino IDE.
Use this Code form HERE.

Step 7: Now Install the Raspbian and Install the LCD Driver

You can install the LCD drivers with TTL connection or use the HDMI and boot and install it.

The Driver will be in description where you brought the LCD from.

I will add an image that have the SPI LCD driver installed. But don't
know how to make. If you know let me know it will be very helpful. Email .

Step 8: Charge It and Use It

3D Printed Contest

Participated in the
3D Printed Contest