Introduction: My First Circuit: a Blinking LED

About: A geek traveling the world!
I am really thankful for Instructables and JameCo for the opportunity to learn an be part of such an awesome community!

When I received my bag of goodies, I had no idea what to do with them. I did know that LEDs would be involved add there were quite a few of them. I also learned a little bit about the 555 timer, so I went on a hunt to find simple circuits I could build both with and without the 555 timer. These three instructables were incredibly enlightening and only served to make me wasn't to learn more!

For Mt first one, I did s nice and simple blinking LED and it all started with a breadboard and a 555 timer

Step 1: The Parts

I found this nice and simple video on a blinking circuit. Here is a screen capture of the diagram and parts list.

Step 2: First Step, Jumper 1

Place a jumper from pin 2 to pin 6.

Step 3: First Resistor

Place a 33K resistor from pin 2 to pin 7.

Step 4: Second Resistor

Place a 100K resistor from pin 7 to + power

Step 5: Add in the Capacitor

Add the capacitor from pin 2 to - ground.

The instructions called for a 10uF capacitor.  Best I could do was find a 33uF.  The only difference is the speed at which the LED blinks.  If you want to see the blinks, don't do much higher than this as the rate slows down quite a bit at 2300uFs :D

Step 6: Add the LED

Add the LED from pin 3 to any open line.  More connections to be added to this.

Step 7: Resistor #3

Add a 1K Resistor from the LED to the ground.

Step 8: Jumper #2

Huh, I just realized that I have no idea why I added this jumper.  It doens't connect to anything.  I'll just chalk this up to simple mis-reading of the diagram that luckily, didn;t blow anything up :)

Step 9: Jumper #2 (for Real This Time)

Add a jumper from pin 1 to ground.

Step 10: Jumper #3

Add a jumper from pin 8 to + power

Step 11: Adding Power, Almost

I'm not sure why the Positive line is added first from the 9V battery but I decided to follow the instructions verbatum.  In my automotive days, I always ha the ground hooked up first, just in case something connected and the power had some place to go.  Someone will hopefully comment on this.

Step 12: Power!

And now we all connected!  Ain't she a beaut!  Uhh....hmmm....maybe this Red LED ain't so bright on camera....hang on.

Step 13: Let's Try This

Swapped in a white LED that I got a few years back but never did much with them.

Step 14: Another Angle of the Setup

Looks about right, save that random jumper.

Step 15: Ah HA!

Success!  We have light!

And video to prove it works too.  yay!

(In case the vid doesn't work, you can see it here

Thank you Instructables and JameCo(!

Step 16: Video

Here is the video of the working circuit. Nothing blew up :)