Introduction: My Knex Crossbow V2 :D

So, here it is. My second version knex crossbow.please feel free to mod and post but credit me in the instructable.

Pro's: it looks great
            the bow bends perfectly
            it shoots 20-30 ft
            it has a reliable trigger
            it is strong and not flexible
Con's: it could shoot further
             a little tricky to make

Step 1: Parts List

Step 2: The Barrel

This step shows how to make the barrel of the crossbow.

Step 3: The Trigger

This step shows how to create the trigger and attach it to the barrel.

Step 4: The Bow

this step shows how to make the bow and attach it to the barrel thingy ma jig.

Step 5: Putting the Bands On

this step blah blah blah blah blah you get the idea

Step 6: Loading and Firing

this shows how to ............(bored of repeating myself)