Introduction: My Knex Sports Car

About: Hey people I'm making a new knex sniper it's not going to be a model like prodo123's Sr-70 it's just a make up
It's Finally Here The Instructions!

Step 1: The Chassis

Build This The Base of the car

Step 2: The Rear Axle & Suspention

Build this

Step 3: Rear Bumper & Rear Spoiler

Make This

Step 4: Engine Cover

The orange rods are the flexible rods! Add this to the bumper when your done and yea there it is on the 2nd pic

Step 5: Engine

The Power

Step 6: Sides/Doors

Build both of these note: the other 1 meant to be the other way around for the other side then on pic 4 put the engine in the back purple connectors

Step 7: Alot of Stuff

Build & Add This

Step 8: Front Bumper & Hood

Almost There! Important!: at the end pic is the ball joint version i made for you ppl

Step 9: Finished

Just put the front to wheels on then your done have fun!