Introduction: My Loft Workshop

Here are a few picture of my loft workspace where I spend most of my spare time, tinkering with electronic things and making things. I took the pictures after I had cleaned it out so don't think that I can keep it that tidy all of the time with the amount of things I do. The workshop is in my loft which hasn't got a reinforced floor so I am quite limited to what tools I can put up there, however, a trusty hand saw, power drill and a few other tools are all I need as I am more interested in electronics than woodwork. As the loft is also used to store Christmas decorations and other things, I can only use the storage space that I have currently. Although I am limited in quite a few ways, I still like it up in my loft. Unfortunately, I live in the UK so I am not eligible for the Craftsman contest which I found out after publishing the slideshow and adding it to the competition, so I removed from the competition it but kept the slideshow.