Introduction: My "Owerkill" of POWER Supply
Hi. My title says: ”An owerkill of a power supply”… Hmm.. lets see if it is.
Here the power goes through 5 steps before reaching the target, (in this case the ATtiny84, a member in ATMEL-family).
I guess this doesn’t actually go under the definition ”Instructable”, but it may give some hint’s for someone?
Step 1: The Main PSU
At the Main Power Supply Unit, PSU, I put them desired Volt and max. Amp,
but the readings are so small that I just bearly can read the numbers??
Step 2:
I drive this power through a VOLT/ AMP unit with a large display that can be read from a distance
Step 3: The Remote/ Slave
At the Main PSU output I take the power via a cable to a remote/slave controller with a display.
With this remote I can easy change the voltage needed at a distance, with them UP/DOWN red buttons,
thus I can’t go higher with the remote that is set at the PSU.
Step 4: After Remote/slave
Step 4.
An ON/ OFF Switchboard. This becomes wery handy.
I have here:
1 output with the voltage same as @ the remote
1 output with the voltage same as @ the remote via a diod,
This is for if I want to charge a battery, is to inhibit the voltage to go backwards
I have a display here for to see the ”right” Voltage ”after” the diod
Step 5.
Here’s a stepdown from switchboard --> target. In this case 5V to the ATiny 84.
I adjusted it to 5V and checked it with a multimeter and then hotglued the pot.
I guess that if with this setup something ”smokey things” happens,
it’s time for me to retire, (actually I am retired), but at least to change my trade.
Hah… Let me know if this is a ”owerkill” or not