Introduction: My SS-001 . Shotgun With True Trigger , Shell Ejecting , Excellent Accuracy , Great Power and Look's Sweet !

About: I ' m 12 and I French . I create crazy but small K'nex guns or something in K'nex ... I love Zelda on Wii or other warfare games . My best Kn'ex gun are : FFRS 001 ( Sligshot Sniper ) , V.G.N 013 ( Automatic A…
Hello poeple !

So this is my new shotgun : the SS-001 . Its slingshhot system make a excellent range and it has a great accuracy . It isn't semi-auto , but its power , its accuracy , its lokks and its shell ejecting make this gun one of the best shotgun in Instructables


-Excellent range
-Great accuracy
-True trigger
-Shell ejecting . Not auto system .
-Look great


-A bit hard to reload
-Shell ejecting system is not automatic

So see you the next gun !
