Introduction: My Working (well, Closer Than Anyone Else's I Think) Time-Machine
This is , well, not exactly an instructable as i am not implying that I or anyone else is going to / has / or will soon build one and yes , some of it is based on theorey. I have tried to make it as technical as possible though . And also it is just a sort of box with all the bits in so as long as whatever it is has ram-jets attached (i'll explain later) it is compatible .
See what you think . REMEMBER - Just a bit of fun, does not need constructive critiscism just your opinion .
Below: Marty McFly with the Flux Capacitor.
As for the physics and theories... this isnt some smartass A-level student. I am 14. When i thought this up i was 11. I have deliberately kept it unchanged. Keep it in mind as you look.
See what you think . REMEMBER - Just a bit of fun, does not need constructive critiscism just your opinion .
Below: Marty McFly with the Flux Capacitor.
As for the physics and theories... this isnt some smartass A-level student. I am 14. When i thought this up i was 11. I have deliberately kept it unchanged. Keep it in mind as you look.
Step 1: The Theory - What I Can't Prove.
Right. This is the stuff that msut be taken for granted.
Imagine a void, something like the concept of the space-time vortex in Dr. Who. A place outisde space and time. It would be a tube shape but would be cyclical - keep going round . So a doughnut shape. Ever heard the old time-travel theorey? Get a black hole, bend it in a doughnut , put a tube in the middle and run down at the speed of light? Well this also uses doughnuts - the shape concentrates forces in the centre. In my theorey, these concentrated forces made the univeres inside and around it, especially inside. The idea is that you can go from place/time to place/time by going into the void, going to a 'window' (the other side of the void) to another part of reality and then break out again. There is no matter or antimatter in the void. But you/matter is attracted to othermatter/the universe , so... getting out is easy. Getting in ... hard. To do so you must break a hole in the wall of the void, a hole in space and time. As the matter and nothingness repell the leak seals instantly after.
Below : Picture of black hole with something that scientists have noticed but don't know what it is around it.
Now to break a hole in spacetime you will need 2 things. To go very fast, nearing the speed of light where time starts to bend. And to react matter with antimatter. Now 2 problems occur . Man has never gone so fast and there is no antimatter around - it instantly reacts with matter. You can't make a container for it - it will react with the matter of the container. So you have to make the antimatter yourself.
To solve the problems of breaking through spacetime see the next step.
Imagine a void, something like the concept of the space-time vortex in Dr. Who. A place outisde space and time. It would be a tube shape but would be cyclical - keep going round . So a doughnut shape. Ever heard the old time-travel theorey? Get a black hole, bend it in a doughnut , put a tube in the middle and run down at the speed of light? Well this also uses doughnuts - the shape concentrates forces in the centre. In my theorey, these concentrated forces made the univeres inside and around it, especially inside. The idea is that you can go from place/time to place/time by going into the void, going to a 'window' (the other side of the void) to another part of reality and then break out again. There is no matter or antimatter in the void. But you/matter is attracted to othermatter/the universe , so... getting out is easy. Getting in ... hard. To do so you must break a hole in the wall of the void, a hole in space and time. As the matter and nothingness repell the leak seals instantly after.
Below : Picture of black hole with something that scientists have noticed but don't know what it is around it.
Now to break a hole in spacetime you will need 2 things. To go very fast, nearing the speed of light where time starts to bend. And to react matter with antimatter. Now 2 problems occur . Man has never gone so fast and there is no antimatter around - it instantly reacts with matter. You can't make a container for it - it will react with the matter of the container. So you have to make the antimatter yourself.
To solve the problems of breaking through spacetime see the next step.
Step 2: The Time-Engine ... the Equivalent of the Flux Capacitor
Now this is a diagram made on MS Paint. The numbers are colour coded like the substances - those are not their actual colours, but this should make them clearer. They go left to right - outside to inside also.
1. Diamond. The strongest naturally occuring substance in existence.
2.ACNR (Aggregated Carbon NanoRods). Diamonds that have been made 10 times as strong by scientists using extra pressure and heat. Scrathes a diamond easy , way over 10 on Mohs Sacle.
3. (Black background for '3' is to make it clearer) Steel. Good old steel.
4.Polycarbonate. Carbon that has been chemically treated in a special way to... in fact i can't remeber what it is. But it's very strong and unreactive sort of plastic-y stuff.
5.'Tit-Tant' alloy. This is an alloy that contains mixtures of titanium, tungsten and tantalum. TITanium-TANTalum. These metals are very strong, unreactive, uncorrosive (same thing), and have extremely high melting temperatures. Tungsten is used in light bulbs, tantalum in skull plates and titanium in ... great stuff. The only metal to survive on Venus for some time when we put it there.
6. Heavy duty electric cabling. To carry several gigawatts of electricity.
7. Carbon. The most straightforward element - in a sense. Hydrogen technically but you know what i mean.
Now, matter consists of positive protons and nuetral nuetrons orbited by negative elctrons - antimatter is the opposite. I thought that maybe with huge amounts of electricity, you could reverse the atom's charge and make it into antimatter. The reason that all these practically indestructible things are there is to cushion the explosion and to slow the reaction - even though they are matter, they are still unreactive and strong matter.
This rips a hole in space. I hope.
1. Diamond. The strongest naturally occuring substance in existence.
2.ACNR (Aggregated Carbon NanoRods). Diamonds that have been made 10 times as strong by scientists using extra pressure and heat. Scrathes a diamond easy , way over 10 on Mohs Sacle.
3. (Black background for '3' is to make it clearer) Steel. Good old steel.
4.Polycarbonate. Carbon that has been chemically treated in a special way to... in fact i can't remeber what it is. But it's very strong and unreactive sort of plastic-y stuff.
5.'Tit-Tant' alloy. This is an alloy that contains mixtures of titanium, tungsten and tantalum. TITanium-TANTalum. These metals are very strong, unreactive, uncorrosive (same thing), and have extremely high melting temperatures. Tungsten is used in light bulbs, tantalum in skull plates and titanium in ... great stuff. The only metal to survive on Venus for some time when we put it there.
6. Heavy duty electric cabling. To carry several gigawatts of electricity.
7. Carbon. The most straightforward element - in a sense. Hydrogen technically but you know what i mean.
Now, matter consists of positive protons and nuetral nuetrons orbited by negative elctrons - antimatter is the opposite. I thought that maybe with huge amounts of electricity, you could reverse the atom's charge and make it into antimatter. The reason that all these practically indestructible things are there is to cushion the explosion and to slow the reaction - even though they are matter, they are still unreactive and strong matter.
This rips a hole in space. I hope.
Step 3: Ripping a Hole in Time - Ram Jets.
I'd like you to meet my good friend , the SR-71. Put together by Lockheed. But you'll know it by a different name; it goes by the title of 'Blackbird'It went at Mach3 in test runs and is the fastest plane on earth. Built in the '60s. Look at the engines.
They are ram-jets. A special kind of jet engine. The jet engine in it gets you up to a certain speed but after that, when it's going flat out, only 20% of the thrust is being produced by the engines. The other 80% comes from the air - how? From a certain speed, air is simply pusched towards the combustion chamber by the massive intakes and ignited. The faster you go, the more air you intake, so you go faster, so you intake more air so you go faster... You get the idea. It can go at phenomenal speeds.
The fastest way to go on earth ... you get the picture.Or use it in space. If you want to use it in space, then you could use a solar sail. In fact, probably best to use in space - an antimatter explosion could do untold damage. How these work. You get a sheet of reflective heat-resistant material and strap it to a satellite. Photons and their energy from the Sun constantly push against it as they reflect, and they can go to 1/10th the speed of light or 18,628.2397 miles per second - see Wikipedia. Spacecraft re-entry is the fastest moving humans but thats ony about the the same no. of miles per HOUR not second.
They are ram-jets. A special kind of jet engine. The jet engine in it gets you up to a certain speed but after that, when it's going flat out, only 20% of the thrust is being produced by the engines. The other 80% comes from the air - how? From a certain speed, air is simply pusched towards the combustion chamber by the massive intakes and ignited. The faster you go, the more air you intake, so you go faster, so you intake more air so you go faster... You get the idea. It can go at phenomenal speeds.
The fastest way to go on earth ... you get the picture.Or use it in space. If you want to use it in space, then you could use a solar sail. In fact, probably best to use in space - an antimatter explosion could do untold damage. How these work. You get a sheet of reflective heat-resistant material and strap it to a satellite. Photons and their energy from the Sun constantly push against it as they reflect, and they can go to 1/10th the speed of light or 18,628.2397 miles per second - see Wikipedia. Spacecraft re-entry is the fastest moving humans but thats ony about the the same no. of miles per HOUR not second.
Step 4: That's All, Folks !
So that's it. You go very fast and make the antimatter . You go into the void and out again into the right part of reality. Think what you want of it.