Introduction: Myoware Sensor Controlled Arm
This project is a 3D printed arm that moves using a servomotor. The servomotor is controlled by an Arduino Uno which is also receiving information from a pair of MyoWare Muscle sensors attached to the biceps and triceps of a real arm.
Step 1: Materials
For this project you will need:
- Two MyoWare Muscle sensor with your preferred means of attaching them to your arm. (I use the cable shield with a set of leads running to the sensor pads)
- An Arduino Uno (You probably can use most any form of micro-controller as long as it has two analog inputs)
- Elbow Joint - I designed an elbow joint to be 3D printed for this project. Files found here
- A servomotor - I used an HS-422 servomotor but any servo with sufficient torque will work. (The housing from the 3D printed parts files is for this motor)
- Several capacitors (There are several in the project for more details see the schematic.)
- Different lengths of wire.
- Breadboard
- An LED - I have an LED in the project that lights up when the joint reaches either of its extremes.
- An LCD screen- This was a project requirement but is handy to show what angle the joint is currently at.
Step 2: Schematic
Step 3: Code
Please find the code in the following Google Doc.
Step 4: Wiring
I recommend following the schematic for wiring this.