Introduction: N64 LED 5v Power Source & Front Emblem Removal
This is just me showing where I got the power for my strip of LEDs at the back of the board and how I got my front emblem to glow. There are many other better detailed tutorials out there but I just wanted to make one and show it off:)
Step 1: We'll Assume You Can Disassemble Your N64
I highly recommend buying the game bit sockets. Got mine off eBay for like 5 bucks! Makes life so much easier. Need that and dremmel and soldering crap
Step 2: The Board
On the back of the board it's clearly marked 5v and G! Motherboard soldering requires a steady hand these points are really close to others so be careful!
Step 3: The Emblem
You'll want To get that dremmel and kill the hole behind it leaving just enough space to put it back on but so light will shine right through from the LED you'll mount right behind it. The emblem can be a pain. I had 2 consoles and was only able to pop one off with ease from the backside with a tiny screw driver. A heat gun or hair drier might work if it won't come off, don't force it you don't want to crack it!
When you get the emblem off peel the gunky glue off the back this will really make your emblem glow allowing maximum light to shine through!
Edit: doing another and took a pic of how the opening should look:) This one I had to use a hair drier but it eventually came off fine...don't get in a hurry
When you get the emblem off peel the gunky glue off the back this will really make your emblem glow allowing maximum light to shine through!
Edit: doing another and took a pic of how the opening should look:) This one I had to use a hair drier but it eventually came off fine...don't get in a hurry
Step 4: Fin
Making an instructable was an afterthought so sorry it's not more detailed but I hope it helps