Introduction: Nature Clock

I made this nature-themed clock. Since we are in the season of spring, I thought that this theme would be appropriate. I took a clock motor from an unused clock and used it to create this one. I also included sticks and leaves that I collected from my yard.


  • Cardboard
  • White Spray Paint
  • Sharpie
  • Clock Motor
  • Clock Hands
  • Leaves
  • Sticks
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue
  • AA Battery

Step 1: Clock Face

I took a piece of a cardboard box and cut out a circle with a diameter of approximately 22.5cm to make the clock face. I spray-painted it white and drew the clock numbers in with a black sharpie. I also made a hole in the middle of the circle, where the clock motor will go through.

Step 2: Clock Motor and Hands

I took an old clock motor and clock hands and used them for my clock. I fit the clock motor through the hole made in the clock face and connected the clock hands to the motor. I powered the motor with a AA battery. This is what will indicate the time.

Step 3: Clock Frame

I found multiple sticks from my yard and used them to create the frame of the clock. I cut the sticks into smaller pieces and placed them around the clock face. Then I connected the sticks together with a hot glue gun.

Step 4: Clock Face Decoration

I took leaves from a bush and glued them near the center of the clock face. I took small leaves and placed them in between each of the numbers on the clock face.