Introduction: Nature Diorama With Waterfall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Plaster of Paris (no specific company)
- PVA glue (no specific company)
- Epoxy resin (no specific company)
- The paints, Raw sienna, Raw umber, and Cobalt blue (preferably watercolor)
-White acrylic paint
- Woodland Scenics Mixed turf (grass) - watered down PVA glue
Step 1: Mix and Pour Plaster
Mix your plaster and pour it into molds. I made the molds out of tin foil that was mildly crumpled because it is more original and comes with an automatic rock-like shape.
different brands of plaster have different drying times but are over-all roughly the same. It took around 30-45 minutes for the rocks to dry.
I also poured a little plaster into the container that I used. It will be easier to paint.
Step 2: Carve and Detail Rocks
I used a fork and scarred it across the plaster horizontally many times. I also used a small knife to do the same thing but not as much and also to make little cuts vertically.
I used the largest paintbrush I could find to brush away any excess. The knife was also used for cutting out little chunks of the rock. I split one of the rocks and cut the edges so they didn't fit perfectly together to make it look more natural.
Step 3: Paint Rocks (also Do Waterfall)
I painted the rocks with raw sienna and burnt umber because it gives the rocks a canyon kind of feel. You may choose any natural rock colors. Always paint from light to dark. Use watercolors and a foam brush. Choose two to three shades only.
For the waterfall, I used Elmer's classic white glue. I applied the glue to tin foil and let dry. Drying took around 18 hours for me. Also, be sure that your glue strip is long enough!
(NOTE: In the picture, it shows me using clear glue and non-stick cookie paper, not correct)
Step 4: Find Layout and Set in Plaster
I had already had a plan but you may not! So be sure your rocks fit and don't need trimming before you plaster them in! Apply plaster like shown in photos, if you have your own technique, feel free to use it.
Place in rocks(I made extra little rocks; they are optional).
Added plaster in a mound as a bank/shore, I then smoothed it out with my fingers and painted the floor.
Step 5: Add Water
For the water, I used epoxy. It has a long drying time and NEEDS A LEVEL space to dry. Mix it with any color blue you please. I used cobalt blue and ultramarine blue. I did it in three layers, letting the first one dry and then the next.
Step 6: Applying Waterfall
When the last layer of epoxy was still drying, my waterfall finished. After peeling it off of the tin foil, place your waterfall were you like it. Place the bottom in the epoxy and tape the top to the back of diorama. let dry
Step 7: Adding Water Effects
Paint straightish lines vertically along the waterfall. Then add blobs of paint at the base of the fall. I then got some Qtips and pulled the fuzz off them, adding it to the base like the mist and water of a real waterfall. Afterward, I added a little more paint and more fuzz near the base in little strips. Then, in a quarter circle shape, paint outwardly. The amount of paint on the brush will automatically fade, giving the feel of ripples.
Step 8: Making the Shoreline and Grass
Paint a little glue onto the ground, then put the ground cover where there is glue. Spray a little more glue over this and add more ground cover and your all good to go! :) ^-^ :D