Introduction: Ncr Ranger Wip
this is a costume that im making for halloween (you can never start too early). i have been working for 2 days on and off so im almost done. i know the color scheme is off but i dont care im tri'na get it done. might paint later. for this project i used only cardboard and stuff laying around my house though i will have to buy an army helmet.
Step 1: Helmet
im not done with the helmet yet but im almost finished ima get an army hat and some tinted plastic for the eyes.
Step 2: Vest
im done with this i just secure it with a belt across the bottom an one diagonal. the jacket also helps to secure it
Step 3: Laser Pistol
this i made if cardboard and i cut a slot for a marker cap and used that for the fusion cell
Step 4: Holister
the holister i found in a box and attaches to a belt and wraps around the leg.
Step 5: Jacket
i have a black jacket that fits the general style so im using that for the jacket.
Step 6: Suggestions
if you have any suggestions i would love to hear them