Introduction: Nespresso Pods Coffee Scrub

I’ve always liked Nespresso machines. They seemed fuss free and modern, especially with their futuristic designs. Pop a capsule in, press one button, enjoy your morning coffee. So, I bought one and five minutes after I made my first coffee I couldn’t shake this nagging voice in the back of my head “how do you recycle the pods?” and "what to do with used coffee grounds?"

You will need:

-Any 3D Printer
-Blunt Kitchen Knife

-Coconut oil
-Shower Gel
-Cocoa Powder, Cinnamon (optional)

Step 1: Used Coffee Capsules

The sheer amount of coffee capsules I produce in one week can be overwhelming. I used to spend 1-2 h every Sunday cutting away the aluminium film and getting rid of coffee grounds. And then I realized that I'm not only wasting my time, but also wasting the coffee. Not to mention how many times I ended up cutting my fingers in the process.

Step 2: Capsule Recycler

I was looking for a tool or a machine, anything I could buy or make myself to save time...that's when I stumbled across this genius idea for recycling Nespresso capsules and I seriously can't recommend it enough. All you need is a 3D printer and a retractable craft knife. You will also need a blunt knife just in case your coffee is wet and stuck inside the pod.

Step 3: Here's How You Do It

This couldn't be simpler: pop the capsule in the slot, twist it and remove the aluminium film. Use your blunt knife to extract the grounds and voilà.

Step 4: Save the Coffee

Save your coffee and put it aside, we will use it in a minute.

Dump the empty pods in a bowl filled with water, give them a rinse and that's all, they can be recycled now.

Step 5: Coffee Scrub

This "recipe" could not be easier. All you need is coffee,coconut oil and shower gel, if you like the scrub to lather.

Mix 1 cup of coffee grounds and 1/3 cup of coconut oil (add less oil if your coffee is wet). Add 1-2TBS of shower gel if you like your scrub to lather. You can also add 1TBS cinnamon or cocoa powder to compliment the smell of coffee.

Step 6: Get Scrubbing

-great for exfoliating


-gentle on the skin

-made using recycled coffee grounds


-budget friendly