Introduction: New Bottle for Viscous Liquids
Many people have had the problem of a viscous liquid, such as ketchup or shampoo, getting stuck at the bottom of the bottle, with no way to retrieve it. This problem, which wastes both time and money, can be solved by a simple new design. The difference between this bottle and traditional bottles is that this one contains a screw-on cap at the bottom that allows you to retrieve the bulk of viscous liquid that is usually just thrown away. All you would have to do is unscrew the cap, use some silverware, or your hands, to take out the desired amount of product to be used, and screw the cap back on.
Step 1: Design Process Part 1
Originally, this design was just for shampoo, as it was the only use I had in mind, nut I soon realized that this could be used for anything that has similar physical properties of shampoo. The first sketch I made was on AutoCAD 2016 in which I drew the front, right side, top, and bottom of the bottle, specifying the dimensions and thickness of the material. I was careful to specify everything the way that I wanted it to be. Then I researched what type plastic I should use for the bottle. Many viscous liquid bottles are made of High Density Polyethylene(HDPE), while bottles made to hold liquid like water are made of Polyethylene Terephthalate(PET). I chose HDPE due to its high density, strength, and low cost.
Step 2: Design Process Part 2
I soon realized that AutoCAD, in this case, was not the best way that I could communicate my design, so I decided to create a prototype on Inventor. I began with the simple bottle outline I created and began cutting parts out and adding parts into it. I created the bottom cap to be almost exactly the same as the AutoCad model. The cap was sort of tricky to create, but I ultimately figured it out and finished my prototype.