Introduction: NewAIRA

imagine making a room cleaner than it was when it was first made. Imagine creating the cleanest working space on the entire planet. This is what this project will help with. It is a very cheap air filter system that uses activated carbon to maximize the filtration process. It is far cheaper than any air purifier on the market. It can be created by anyone. We created a design that can be mimicked as long as a certain design basis is met. This design basis consists of a simple fan and activated carbon filter powder. This minimum requirement allows the filter to be very cheap and customizable. Many modifications can be added to the structure of the filter that can further amplify the purification process. However, we created this design as a bare minimum foundation that can further be improved from open source tweaks. Despite its simplicity, the filter will get the job done as long as it has activated carbon attached to it. Pulling air through activated carbon allows the filter to scrub the air of debris and small organic particles that plague the air. Activated carbon is also relatively easy to make. All it requires is to ground so charcoal with some salt.





box cutter



May have to buy:

Paper Bowls ($5.00)(Target)

Window Mesh ($8.00) (Home Depot)

Super Glue ($6.39)(Home Depot)

Activated Carbon (Petsmart) ($11.00)

Small Fan (Amazon) ($14.00)

Step 1: Gather Materials

It is important that you have all the materials in hand with you. Create a clean working space so you do not loose any of your materials. The project may be simple, but there are quite a few steps that require a variety of tools. Make sure you have them all together with you.

Here are some direct links for the tools you may not have with you at home:


Window Mesh:

Activated Carbon:

Step 2: Cut Out Cardboard to Wrap Around the Fan

This will create the main structure for the filter. The length of the cardboard must match the circumference of the fan. Measure the diameter of the fan and multiply by pi (3.14159...) to find circumference in inches. This will be how long the cut out of cardboard is. Make the cutout longer to have some overlap.

After this, proceed to wrap the cardboard around the edges of the fan. Super glue the sides of the fan so the cardboard permanently sticks to it.

Step 3: Leave Room for an Outlet

The plug of the fan will exit through a hole in the body of the filter. Create this hole by cutting out a small rectangle on the cardboard wrapped around the fan. This hole will leave space for a plug outlet.

Step 4: Fill the Filter With Activated Carbon

Get a paper bowl and fill it with activated carbon. Put another paper bowl on top of this one to create a closed container. Take off the edges to have a good seal. We do not want any of the activated carbon to slip out of the case. It is the basis of the filtration process.

Step 5: Create Openings in the Filter for Air to Flow Through

Cut a small square on top of the filter. Cut out some window mesh and cover this opening so if the filter was flipped over, none of the activated carbon can leak through. You can double or triple wrap the opening to create a finer opening pattern so less carbon powder can leak through. Poke some small hole on the bottom of the filter to create an exit for the air that filters through the activated carbon.

Step 6: Attach the Filter

glue or tape the filter to the bottom of the cardboard fan structure. the fan should be pointing away from the activated carbon filter. The air will be pulled through and filtered through the activated carbon and released through the bottom air holes covered with mesh

Step 7: