Introduction: Nightmare Before Christmas Mayor Happy Side Face Paint
This was a collaboration I did with KatSketch on youtube! We did the Mayor from from Nightmare before Christmas, I did the happy side and she did the sad side! Go check it out and subscribe TO BOTH OF US!
Step 1: Outline
I used a white eyeliner to draw in my eye (just on one side), nose, and mouth.
Step 2: Base
For the base of the skin I used a peach color from Mehron and then used a yellow color from mehron on some highlight points (forehead, cheeks, ect.) and blended it in.
Step 3: Nose
His nose is just a black triangle thing, haha. So I used black from Mehron to fill in one side of my nose.
Step 4: Lips N' Stuff
Taking red body paint from Mehron I filled in my lips. Then I took black body paint from Mehron and filled in the inside corners of the mouth and put a line where the teeth separation will be.
Step 5: White Teeth
I used white to fill in the teeth.
Step 6: Mouth Details
used black body paint to draw the thin teeth then I used matte black eyeshadow to add shadowing.
Step 7: Other Details
I drew I thin line around the mouth with black then I used black matte eyeshadow to add more shadows.
Step 8: Blue Eye
I used blue body pant from mehron to fill in the eye, Then I used black eye shadow to go around the eye and shade a little in the eye, then I took black body paint and added lines around the eye, then I used yellow body paint to add the yellow pupil, and I outlined that in black.
Step 9: Swirly Eye
I ussed black body paint to add the swirly eye, then the lines around the eye, then I used that same yellow I used in the other eye to add highlights.
Step 10: Body
I used black body paint to block out my ears and some of my chin, then I used a white eye liner to sketch out the body part.
Step 11: Base
I used white to fill in the white shirt, then black to go around that, then I used gray to fill in the jacket.
Step 12: Shadow
Using matte black shadow I added shadowing around both collars.
Step 13: Spider
I used black body paint to make the spider then I used eye shadow to add shadowing around the spider.