Introduction: Ninja Turtle Wood Toy
Ninja Turtle Wood Toy By Kyle
Step 1 The materials you'll need is a template, a band saw, a block of wood, sand paper, a pencil, a picture of your animal, the sander machine, and a router table.
Step 2 First pick out an animal you would want to make a toy of. Second print it then make it in a cartoon like form. Third trace onto the template and cut out with the band saw.
Step 3 Trace your template onto a piece of wood. Then use the band saw to cut it. Remember the band saw can not make sharp cuts.
Step 4 Sand your template. Make sure you go up in sand paper grits.
Step 5 Router your toy so the edges are not sharp because they can hurt.
Step 6 Paint your toy. Make sure not to paint you whole toy.
Step 7 Check if your axle fits into the hole you drilled. If it doesn't fit then drill your holes again until it fits.
Step 8 Put glue into your hole that you drilled.
Step 8 Put your wheels and axles onto your toy and then its all done.