Introduction: Nintendo64 Game Pak Stash Box

Turn a very inconspicuous (if you own an N64) game cartridge into a convienient place to hide anything you don't want to be found. I'll be using Pokemon Stadium. I know, "What a waste!" you're saying...But it's okay, I have Pokemon Stadium 2!

Step 1: Crack 'er Open.

A good way to bust it open is to cut the two screw posts at the top of the cartridge. Stick a sturdy knife in between the two halves and push until you break them.

Step 2: Gut 'er.

You've got it open, now clean it out. Unless you plan on keeping the game working (it's possible, but I didn't), you can take most of this stuff out. Save the board and the black piece of plastic on the bottom for later. Depending on how you want it to open and close, you can break off the clips that held the bottom of the cartridge together. I would recommend doing this.

Step 3: De-Bone

There's a lot of extra plastic in here getting in the way. Much of this can be cut out with a pair of diagonal cutters. Don't chop off anything important!

Step 4: Make 'er Pretty

Now we can put back a few of the pieces we removed previously. I hop you saved those screws that fell out off the back! They can be superglued back in place for added authenticity.

Now, if you're saving the game, ignore this:
Cut the contacts off of the board you pulled out. Leave enough of the board to glue into the little black thing that held it in place.

Step 5: Make 'er Work.

I made the two halves stick together with magnets. I happened to have three small neodymium magnets laying around. I used small pieces of steel cut from the side panel of an old computer as something for the magnets to stick to. There's a lot of hot glue in this step, you might try to be a little tidier than I was.

Step 6: Done!

There you have it! I'm sure there are many ways you could improve on this. I tried incorporating hinges, but with little luck. Maybe you can figure something out.