Introduction: No Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake
Do you crave something sweet, chocolatey and delicious? Well, then Chocolate Biscuit Cake might be the right treat for you! Only 4 ingredients, no baking whatsoever, flourless, eggless but still yummy!
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So lets get baking!
Step 1: Ingredients:
400 g Digestive Biscuits
200 ml Condensed Milk
300 g Dark Chocolate (70%)
150 ml Unsalted Butter
Makes: 10 -12 slices (25cm x 10cm tin/ 10inch x 3.5inch tin
Time: 35-40 mins + overnight in the fridge
Step 2: Directions:
Melt the chocolate over a pot of simmering water. Add melted butter and mix until smooth. Remove from the heat. Mix in the condensed milk and let it cool a bit. Break the biscuits and throw them in a large bowl.
Pour over the melted chocolate mix and stir until all the biscuit pieces are well covered (the best way to do it is with your hands & gloves).
Line a loaf cake tin with baking paper (make sure all 4 sides are lined.
Transfer half of the mix into the loaf tin. Spread evenly with a spoon. Place a sheet of baking paper (large enough to cover the surface) over the biscuit mix and press down hard. Make sure you fill all the gaps. Now add the rest of the biscuit mix and repeat the same again.
The cake is now ready to be chilled. However for an extra chocolate flavor you can melt some more chocolate with butter and pour it over. This will also fill any gaps.
There is usually a lot of chocolate left on the sides of the bowl. Melt some butter (40 grams), pour it in and using a spatula “clean” the bowl from chocolate. This way you’ll get extra chocolate to finish off your cake and you’ll use up all the chocolate.
Wrap the loaf tin in a tin foil and place it in the fridge overnight.
The following day simply take it out and slice into slices.
Step 3: Watch Step by Step Video for This Recipe:
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