Introduction: No Man's Sky - the Atlas

About: I get a real kick out of completing projects with as low a budget as possible. It's usually pretty easy to collect almost all the parts necessary to make some pretty cool stuff. I also enjoy playing music and …

For those of you who don't know, No Man's Sky is a video game that just came out. In the game, there is this thing floating in the sky called The Atlas. I just thought it looked pretty cool and thought I would build one with stuff that was lying around. Enjoy!

Step 1: Prepare Yourself

I made the above template that you can print out and glue to a piece of wood to cut out. So first you'll need to prepare a piece of wood to the size of your printout. After cutting your piece of scrap wood to size, you can use spray adhesive to stick the paper to the wood. Then, wrap it up in clear packing tape.

Step 2: Cut It Out!

Now that your template is on your piece of wood, all you have to do is cut it out. I used my little tabletop band saw for this. Cut out the diamond on one face, setting the four corners that you remove aside. Then you can tape it back up, as if you had not even cut it. Now you can turn your work piece and cut out the other face. At this point, you'll have a "compound cut", meaning a cut on two different sides of your piece.

Step 3: Finishing Touches

For the finishing touches, I used some scrap wood to cut out a little crescent moon to sit behind the atlas. Then I used a sweet gumball for the orangish thing inside the atlas. First, I drilled a hole in my diamond cutout, big enough to accommodate my gum ball. Then I cut the gum ball in half and painted it orange and red. Next I painted the atlas itself black, with some grey highlights. Then I used hot glue to hold the gum ball in place and to hold the moon on the back.

Simple as that, folks. Y'all have a good one.

Maker Olympics Contest 2016

Participated in the
Maker Olympics Contest 2016

Wood Contest 2016

Participated in the
Wood Contest 2016