Introduction: NodeMCU Mini Tutorial || NodeMCU and Blynk
ESP8266 is a popular wifi module,but connecting it to your desire sensor can be a bit tricky since it requires 3.3V and needs an external FTDI module for uploading the code and ofcourse not breadboard friendly.So in this video we will go through a better option which is a NODEMCU.
Lets jump right into it
Step 1: Link for the Video.
Step 2: Lets Inspect the Module.
It uses a usb terminal for the transfer of data and power supply.It consumes current from a range of 20mA to nearly 200mA(Sometimes).
There is also a 3.3V regulator on the board,which helps in the conversion of 5V to 3.3V power signal.
Because,surprise...The ESP8266 only works with 3.3V and remember 5V kills it.
Next to it,is a chip tagged as CH34OG,which is actually a USB to serial converter.
What is does is it converts your code into binary which is understandable by the ESP8266,then it gets uploaded
Step 3: The Problem I Faced and Its Solution.
After I placed the nodemcu on the board, I realised that there were no space left for any of the jumper or components to connect. I looked over the internet and found out others were not having this problem. So mine has to be a bit off-size.
The solution was to join two breadboard by removing one power rail.
Now you can place your NODEMCU in the middle your the two breadboard to gain access to the extra blocks.
Step 4: Connection and Setup.
Once you placed the MCU,connect a led to digitalpin 7 of the NodeMCU.Now let us move towards the controlling app which is called Blynk.
How does blynk works------>
Blynk library for arduino:
Once you are ready with the blynk library,we need to add an another library for the NODEMCU.For that under file,go to preference and paste the given link ( head for the boardmanger under tools,where you'll find the esp8266 community library and download it.
Now you are ready to upload the code.
Select the esp8266_standalone program from examples under blynk. Set you ssid and password and make sure you dont forget to paste the authentication token.
Set your board as NodeMCU 1.0 and your respective COM port. Hit upload.
And you're done !!
Step 5: Success !!
Now you can remotely blynk your led/leds from anywhere in the world.Comment down below for the things you want to make with this kind of hardware.
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