Introduction: Nourishing Oatmeal Face Mask

About: I like to make things, watch scary movies, and have fun with my friends.

If your face is feeling dry, vulnerable, or in need of a pick-up, this nourishing oatmeal face mask will enhance your skin and give you a healthy glow.

Step 1: Collect Your Ingredients

For this recipe, your tools will need to include something to blend the ingredients and a container to store your mask in.


  • 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
  • 3 Tablespoons of Honey
  • 3/4 Cup of Oats
  • 1/4 Cup of Hot Water
  • 1 Tablespoon of Your Choice of Tea Leaves (Optional)

Step 2: Combine Your Ingredients

Before putting your ingredients into your blender, steep your tea leaves in the hot water. If you are not using tea leaves, skip this step. Make sure to blend well, although chunks are inevitable. Store in refrigerator until use.

Step 3: Apply Your Mask

When applying your mask, start with an exfoliate to slough off dead skin cells. The exfoliate will leave your face vulnerable, but the oatmeal mask will nourish and relieve stress.