Introduction: Number to Binary Conversion

With this instructable, you will be able to transform any number into a binary number, which is used in computers and electronics

  • The steps are in italic
  • If it is in bold, it is what I did with my number to help you seeing how it works

Step 1: Gathering What You Need

Grab a calculator, something to write with and somewhere to write on

I chose a pen and notebook

Step 2: The Chosen Number

Think of any number that you want to convert into binary, or ask someone for a random number

I chose 456

Step 3: Follow the Sequence

Make a sequence of 2 elevated from 0-10 and circle the highest number that fits into your chosen number as base – keep sequence going longer if the number wanted is larger than 1024 (2^10)

Since my number was 456, 512 is too big, so I had to choose 256 as my base number

Step 4: Simple Math

Subtract your chosen number by your base number and put a 1 on the side

Mine was 456 – 256 = 200 and a 1 on the side

Step 5: Keep It Going

Now with the result of the subtraction, follow to the next number in the sequence, see if you can subtract the result by the following number. If so, subtract it and set another 1 aside, if you can’t, set a 0 aside

Next number in the sequence was 128, so 200 – 128 = 72 with a 1 on the side

Step 6: One More Time

Do the same thing with the next number from the sequence

Next number in the sequence was 64, 72 – 64 = 08, and a 1 on the side

Step 7: Not Done Yet

If the next number on the sequence doesn’t fit in the result, set a 0 aside and move to the next number

Next number in the sequence was 32, 32 is bigger than 8, so set a 0 aside and move to the next

Step 8: Almost There

Keep going on the sequence until you find a number that “fits” into your result

Next number in the sequence was 16, 16 is bigger than 8, so set a 0 aside and move to the next

Step 9: The Wanted Result

Subtract the result by the next number in the result, if the result becomes 0, then you are done, if there are still another number as result, keep it going

Next number in the sequence was 8, 8 – 8 = 0, so I was done

Step 10: Fill the Gaps

If there are unused numbers left in the sequence, fill it up with 0s

4 (2^2), 2 (2^1) and 1 (2^0) were left unused so I filled them up by 0s in the end

Step 11: Final Answer in Binary

Get your result in binary

My chosen number (456) in binary is 111001000