Introduction: Object Avoidence Robot

About: Hi ..... I am Prisha Goel who believes in herself .... I am exploring Public Speaking & Coding these days & would love to be a coder and a Professional public speaker...My past time is reading fictiona…

This is a robot which avoids obstacles


needs tinkercad (website)

Step 1:

First you need to add 2 components 1 is Breadboard and another Arduino Uno R3

Step 2:

Add a H-Bridge Motor Driver

You can Find it as H-Bridge Motor Driver or L293D

Step 3:

Now u need to add 2 wires . 1 from 5v to the upper +(plus) line and another from GND to -(minus) line and use the GND Which I used

Step 4:

Now only upper lines are getting battery so for the bottom lines to also get battery we need to connect a wire from upper +(plus) to lower +(plus) and from upper -(minus) to lower -(minus)

Even change colors like I have did

Step 5:

From H-Bridge Motor Driver take wires

From Power 1 to +(plus) line

From Enable 3 &4 to +(plus) line

From Enable 1 & 2 to +(plus) line

From Power 2 to +(plus) line

Step 6:

From H-Bridge Motor Driver take wires

FromH-Bridge Motor Driver all 4 grounds to - (minus) line

Step 7:

Add 2 motors and align them

Upper motor as Right Motor

Lower Motor as Left Motor

You can find motors as Hobby Geramotor

Step 8:

Now connect right Motor's positive wire to output 3 and negative in output 4

Now also connect left Motor's positive wire to output 1 and negative in output 2

Step 9:

Now you need to connect both upper and lower wires . Upper wires in D8 and D9 . Upper wires in D10 and D12.

Step 10:

Now click on code and code blocks like this

Step 11:

Now add Ultrasonic Distance Sensor from other components

Step 12:

Now VCC Wire from Ultrasonic Distance Sensor in +(plus) row

Now GND Wire from Ultrasonic Distance Sensor in -(minus) row

Now Trigger Wire from Ultrasonic Distance Sensor D7

Now Echo Wire from Ultrasonic Distance Sensor D6

Step 13:

Delete All Blocks

Step 14:

The blocks should be like this and when u add the sign it should be < and in number 5 rest blocks u have seen

Step 15: Working Video

Steps Complete