Introduction: Office Stationery Darts
How to make some simple little darts out of household or office stationery
Step 1: Materials
Materials needed:
-Press tacks
-Paper clips
-Elastic bands
-3" by 3" sticky notes
-Card board
-Press tacks
-Paper clips
-Elastic bands
-3" by 3" sticky notes
-Card board
Step 2: Attaching the Clips
Hold the clips around the tack with one hand, and wrap around the elastic band with the other to keep it in place. This is the hardest part, and if you struggle at first try attaching one at a time (although you will need more bands to do this).
Step 3: Making the Flights
Fold the sticky note in half to make a rectangle, then unfold again. Then fold in half to make a triangle, then unfold again. Then fold into a triangle once more the other way. These are the base folds. Fold in half along the first base fold (into a rectangle). Next, take one of the the top corners (one that's folded) and pull down into the middle, then repeat on the other side. Even out the sides. Its very simple to do, but it is hard to demonstrate in the form of text. Luckily, I can provide a picture.
Step 4: Adding the Flights
Simple slide the flights in between the paper clips at the loose end.
Step 5: Boards
So, now you've got your darts all lined up, what to throw them at? A board would be a good idea, and card board works perfectly. You can make up your own designs, I just used a card board box to demonstrate.