Introduction: Olivia's Robot
Little Bits Kit
hole puncher
3 pipe cleaners
construction paper
1 little bits fan
2 pompoms
blue tape
2 little bits googley eyes
led lights
Step 1: Get Supplies Ready
Step 2: Build Little Bits Circuit
Attach the power module to the fan to the long LED to the uv LED module. Attach to the white Little Bits mounting board and a battery.
Step 3: Attach a Piece of Velcro to the Fan.
Step 4: Get Your Pompom and Put a Velcro and Googley Eyes Onto It and Attach It to the Top of the Fan
Step 5: Fold Your Paper Into a Box Shape for Your Robot's Body
Step 6: Hole 2 Punch Holes on the Side of the Body on Each Side
Step 7: Twirl Your Pipecleaners Around a Marker for 30 Seconds and Then Release to Create the Ears
Step 8: Pull Your Pipecleaners Through the Hole in Your Box to Make Ears
Step 9: Draw Two Square Eyes, Medium Sized. Draw a Medium Sized Nose and a Big Square Mouth.
Draw stripes like a grid in the mouth.