Introduction: Online RFID Attendance System (Without Ethernet)

This is a unique project in the world of Arduino for marking Online Attendancewithout using Ethernet and GSM modules. We have developed this unique project to automate the attendance system for offices, schools and universities etc. using RFID RC522 Module and Arduino. For Web Support and API, you need PHP and MySQL. This project costs less than $10. The purpose of this project is to remove tedious process of marking attendance manually.We've visited so many sites but no one has the solution for marking online attendance without using Ethernet or GSM Module, so we decided to develop our system without using these components which reduces our project costing.

Step 1: Hardware Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • RFID RC522 with RFID TAGS
  • Jumper wires (generic)

Step 2: Making the Necessary Connections As Shown in the Circuit Diagram

Step 1. Attach the Arduino UNO to the PC using a USB cable.

Step 2. Attach the RFID Reader to the Arduino UNO as shown in the image of Circuit Diagram.

Step 3: Installing XAMPP and Setting Up Web Interface

For web interface, we require PHP installed in our system so firstly we need to install apache and MySQL in our system for this install XAMPP using link (according to your OS) , may be you are not good with web programming so there is no need to worry about.

Please follow steps in order to install XAMPP for PHP given at below link

After installing XAMPP, please start the xampp apache/mysql services from XAMPP control panel as described in tutorial of wikihow. How to test xampp is working fine?

Open your browser and type: http://localhost

You will see above screen if everything is fine otherwise please repeat above steps.

Step 4: Copy and Paste the Attendance Zip Folder

Now copy and paste the attendance zip folder in htdocs


Copied folder will be used in PROCESSING code to call API through path specified and to show attendance data online.

Step 5: Creating DATABASE

  • Now open the MySQL using browser: http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Copy MySQL query from txt file "mysql_query.txt" and Pasteto create database and tables.

Step 6: Run Web Application

Now we're ready to run our web application :

http://localhost/(your folder name)/

Here you'll see image given below if everything is going fine:



Step 7: Adding Users in Our DB

1.Before login please copy and paste Arduino code.

2. Now run and upload Arduino code to device.

3. Please copy and paste the markattendance program into processing window(to mark attendance)

4. Please copy and paste the add_user program into processing window by creating new file in processing software because we have different module to add users.

5. Open processing and run add_user program . It will show you a message to approximate your card. Please approximate your card to RFID after this you'll see the UID Code and a user name box .Please enter name of the user related to this UID (RFID TAG) to store information to web and then press add user button.


You've Added a new in user.

Step 8: Result :Run Our PHP Code

After Login as we've logged in before :

So this is overall information about our project please grab as you want.

Please shout in comment box if you have any query.

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