Introduction: Oodassault Pistol V3

About: Just an aging K'nex launcher builder
Alright, be prepared for the worst quality pictures of all my instructables. My camera had the hardest time focusing and embarrassingly enough I couldn't figure out how to turn off the flash. Anyways, you wanted it so I'm giving it to you. It was rushed greatly so I only recommend that those of you with a good amount of k'nex experience build it. Otherwise you'll probably be confused. You'll probably be confused even with experience so feel free to ask questions.

So this is my 3rd design for an oodammo pistol. It features:
-High cap. 17-19 round magazine
-Breaking magazine for easy loading
-Locking mag pusher
-Comfortable handle
-Compact, 5 layer design
-Simple, true trigger
-Stripper clips

Step 1: Handle

Here is my ultimate awesome handle of super coolness...well not really. I like it a lot though and intend to use it again. The trigger is also pretty simple.

1. This is the very base for the handle and trigger. Pretty simple.
2. This is the middle and a part to connect the outer layers to. Also simple.
3. This is adding the middle part. Still very simple.

That's all for now but we'll add more on to it later.

Step 2: Inner Barrel

The barrel uses that black hand and yellow barrel for rods. This one has a twist though. I've found out a way to add two out layers to it to make it stronger but it doesn't use blue rods. Overall it's pretty durable for its compactness but I haven't and wouldn't recommend throwing it at a rock.

1. The back portion of the gun and trigger.
2. Connecting to the handle. Make sure to fit the trigger together like so.
3. This is the front portion of the gun.
4. Part of the trigger guard to make the gun a little sturdier.
5. And connect the two pieces like so. Again make sure the trigger parts fit together.

Alright so that was pretty easy. We'll add the outer layers next.

Step 3: Outer Layers

These are the outer layers of the gun to make the barrel stronger, make the handle comfortable, and to hold the magazine.

1. This is the top of the barrel. Easy.
2. One of the outer layer pieces. Make sure you connect the white rods into the black hands correctly.
3. Take the barrel top and line it up with the rest of the barrel. Then add the outer layer section. Make sure you get it to clip into that part on the trigger guard.
4. This is the other side.
5. Connect this on the other side. Something I forgot to grab a picture of is that you need to slide a green rod in the hole where a white rod doesn't go through up front. That's why the green rods on the snowflakes are there.
6.Outer layers of the handle. Pretty easy.
7. Add one of them onto the handle.
8. Add the other.
9. Gather all of these
10. Add some of them here.
11. Add the others here. The friction will hold the layers together.
12. Gather these.
13. Place these on each side. They aren't required but they are a little more comfortable than having nothing.
14. Wedge the tan lock in here.
15. Place the grey connectors in here. They give your thumb something more comfortable to rest against.

Step 4: Magazine

So this is the cool magazine thingy I came up with. It's the selling point of the gun pretty much. At least, that's what I think is getting you to build it anyways.

1. The magazine. It's pretty simple so I didn't bother breaking it down.
2. The back of it. Just showing how it's supported.
3. Add the magazine through here. If you're really worried that the connection isn't strong enough then replace the white rod with a blue rod.
4. Wrap some rubber bands (depending on how strong the mag pusher band is) under here to..
5. ...up here.
6. Build these parts of the mag pusher. I didn't grab a picture but just stick the red rod through the top and connect the orange at the bottom. Place a rubberband around in any way it fits. Just make sure it locks down.

So yeah that's it. Moving on.

Step 5: Loading and Firing

This thing is insanely fun. It feels like it takes forever to unload all your shots and then within seconds you have it filled up again.

1. The firing pin. I wrapped the connector with two rubber bands. One specifically holds the orange connector to the rod while the other half holds it to the rod and half absorbs the impact. I've found it to work holds 4 rubber bands though I don't know its limit.
2. Add the trigger rubber band like so.
3. Add two rubber bands around like so.
4. The stripper clip base. They're based on the magazines from SK's shotbow. You could also use clips like the one on my old oodassault pistol except replace the red connector on the bottom with a tan clip or something on the last slot. I guess bakenbitz claims credit for these although they aren't much different than mine.
5. Add oodammo in like on SK's shotbow.
6. A full clip. Holds 16 rounds or 17 if you take off one of the snowflakes.
7. Break the magazine down (if you placed the rubber bands correctly, it should stay back on its own) and push down the mag pusher.
8. Grip the rod rods and take the rubber band off.
9. Push the ammo down and pull the clip back. You can then slide it off without gripping any ammo.
10. Finally, flip the magazine back up and set the mag pusher.

Then you cock and shoot like every other gun. I do highly recommend placing your hand in front of the magazine to make sure nothing goes wrong. You might get away with not doing this depending on the random conditions of your gun but don't say I didn't tell you.

Have fun and don't hurt anyone.