Introduction: Open Design TeamD Rail Car
Hello every one
We make SFC rail train in Open Design class Let’s tell you about story why make this product
First, almost all Japanese played with プラレール in childhood. we were addicted to the toy and enjoyed ray the rail extensively Second, SFC campus is so far form Shonandai station all SFC students have thought about If Sotetsu line extend to SFC Campus, our life wonderfully change. so, We ray rail around campus at the beginning.
Finally There are a lot of many smiles in SFC. We want to take pictures their natural smiles and daily activities in SFC
Step 1: Arduino Edit
We use Arduino and step motor to control the car
#define STEPS 100 Stepper stepper(STEPS, 8, 9, 10, 11);
void setup()
void loop()
for(int i=100;i>0;i--){
stepper.step(i); }
Step 2: Car Prototype
We use laser cutter to make prototype. It's more easy to test the function and it won't take too much time.
Step 3: Railway
First we try to make the railway to control the car. And we try many times to think how to save money. In the end we give up. Because It cost too much money if we make a railway around a building.
Step 4: Car Shape
Final we use 3D printer to make the car case with Arduino case