Introduction: Operation Blackbird

This batch file game, that me and a group of friends made recently for a school project, follows you hacking the pentagon and trying to get you out. Eventually you get to two crucial decisions, aaaaandd then you realize that a group of kids made it. We decided to show it to the world.

Tell us if there are any errors, and.... Enjoy! @echo off TITLE OPERATION BLACKBIRD color 0a :startup cls echo Would you like to... echo. echo 1) Start the game echo 2) Exit echo. set /p input0=Enter: if %input0% equ 1 goto naming if %input0% equ 2 exit :naming cls echo echo ````.......`` echo `.--:::::::////+++++++/:.` echo .:/+/////::::://///+++oooosssso/. echo `++++/////:::::////++++ooosssyyyyyy+. echo :++++////:::::////++++oooosssyyyhhhh. echo .++++/////:::::////+++oooosssyyyyhhh/ .++-` echo /++++////:::::////++++ooossssyyyhhhy` +shys+:. `.-:o- echo -++++////::::::////+++oooosssyyyyhhh: -ohhyyysso/:-.`` ``..--:/++osh. echo `++++/////:::::////++++ooosssyyyyhhhs `oyhhyyyssssooo++///::::::::::///+++ooh+ echo :++++////::::://///+++oooosssyyyhhhh. /shhyyyyssssoooo+++/////:::::///+++ooyh` echo `++++/////:::::////++++ooosssyyyyhhho `oyhhyyyssssoooo++++////:::::////+++osh/ echo /++++////:::::////++++oooosssyyyhhhh` +shhyyyssssoooo++++/////:::::///+++ooyy echo .++++////::::::////+++oooosssyyyyhhh/ -ohhhyyyssssoooo++++////:::::////++oosh- echo /++++////:::::////++++ooossssyyyhhhy` +yhhyyyssssoooo++++/////::::////+++ooho echo -++++////::::::////+++oooosssyyyyhhh: :shhyyyyssssoooo++++////:::::///+++oosh. echo `++++/////:::::////++++ooossssyyyhhhs `oyhhyyyssssoooo++++////:::::////+++ooh+ echo :++++//////////////++ooooosssyyyyhhh. /shhyyyysssooooo+++/////:::::///+++ooyh` echo `++++oo+++/:-....````..-:/+osssyyhhh+ .oyhhyyyssssoooo++++////:::::////+++osh: echo -+o+:-.` ``````` `.-+osyhy` +shhyyyssssoooo++++/////:::::///+++ooyy echo `` ``..----::::://///::-.` `-/+- -ohhhyyyssssoooo++++////:::::////++oosh- echo `.-///////::::://///++++oosoo+-. `oshhyyyssssoooo++++////:::::////+++ooho echo `oooo+++///:::::////++++oosssyyyys/. `/syyyyyssssoooo++++////:::::///+++oosh. echo /sooo++///::::://///+++ooossyyyhhhdy` ``./osssssoooo++++////:::::///++ossso: echo .sooo+++//::::://///++++oosssyyhhhdd/ `/+:.` `.:/+ooooo++++//////++oooo+/-.. echo +soo+++///:::::////++++ooossyyyhhddy` :+sss+/-`` ``..-:::////:::--.````..-+/ echo -sooo++///::::://///++++oosssyyhhhdd- .+ssssooo+/:-..```` ````...---:::/y- echo `osoo+++///:::::////++++ooossyyyhhdds /ossssooo++++///::::-------::::::::::so echo /sooo++///::::://///++++oosssyyhhhdh. -+ssssoooo+++/////:::::-----:::::::::+y. echo .sooo+++//::::://///++++oosssyyyhhdd+ +osssoooo++++/////::::------:::::::::s+ echo +soo+++///::::://///+++ooossyyyhhhdh` :+ssssoooo+++/////:::::-----:::::::::+s` echo .sooo+++//::::://///++++oosssyyhhhdd: `+ssssoooo++++/////::::-----:::::::::/s: echo osoo+++///:::::////++++ooossyyyhhddy /+ssssooo++++/////:::::-----:::::::::os` echo :sooo++///::::://///++++oosssyyhhhdd- .+ssssoooo+++/////:::::-----:::::::::/y- echo `osoo+++///:::::////++++ooossyyyhhddo /ossssooo++++/////:::::-----:::::::::so echo/sooo++///:::::////+++++oosssyyhhhdh. -+ssssoooo+++/////:::::-----:::::::::+y. echo.sooo+++oooo+////:::://+osoosyyyhhdd+ `+osssoooo++++/////::::-----::::::::::s/ echo/sssso/-.` `-:+syyhhdy` :+ssssoooo+++/////:::::-----:::::::::+s` echo.:.` .:oyy: `+ssssoooo+++//////::::-----:::::::::/y: echo `. /ossssooo++++/////:::::-----:::::::::os echo .+sssoooo+++/////:::::-----:::::::::+y- echo .:+oo++++/////::::------::://+oss+: echo .-:/+++////::::///+oooo+/:.` echo `.---::::--..` echo. echo. echo. echo Hello Player! echo. echo Choose your name! echo. set /p name=Enter: echo. echo Press any key to continue... pause>nul :stats cls set stamina=72 set health=100 set strength=75 set intellegence=86 set speed=80 set hacking=91 set overall=84 echo. echo Here are you stats %name%! echo -------------------------- echo Health - %health% echo Stamina - %stamina% echo Strength - %strength% echo Hacking - %hacking% echo Speed - %speed% echo -------------------------- echo Overall - %overall% echo -------------------------- echo Next... The home screen! echo Press any key to continue... pause >nul goto home :home cls echo Hello %name%! echo -------------------------- echo Health - %health% echo Stamina - %stamina% echo Strength - %strength% echo Hacking - %hacking% echo Speed - %speed% echo -------------------------- echo Press any key to go to... Storyline pause >nul goto storyline :storyline cls echo %name%'s story line! echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Its the year 2049 You are an international hacker that is trying to hack into the goverment. echo Right now your heart is pulsing. You have broken into the pentagon. You tazered the president to get away. echo The president is now in critical condition, in a nearby hospital. echo And now you are hacking into the Pentagon. Your downloading all the files even sortly related to the nuke codes. echo Your mission is to stop WW3 from beggining. Its all over the news, The US Is going to drop the nukes on Russia. echo Now your the most wanted man on the planet. All the information about the nukes are in your echo 1000GB Flashdrive custom made by none other but %name%. You are wearing glasses, they show you all the hidden cameras. echo You look and see, no one sees that no one is in the first hallway but your first decision... left or right... echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Press any key to continue... pause >nul :hallway cls echo -------------------------------- echo 1) Left --- echo 2) --- Right echo -------------------------------- set /p input1=Enter: if %input1% equ 1 goto left if %input1% equ 2 goto right :left cls echo You chose left! You looked into your glasses and there was no one there! echo. echo Now you run through the hallway and then see a door. echo Its password protected! echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Use Password hacker. echo 2) Put on a special light that shows fingerprints. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input2=Enter: if %input2% equ 1 goto passwordhack if %input2% equ 2 goto specialight goto left :right cls color 04 echo You chose right! You look down the hallway, but no cameras just three armed men! echo. echo You have three options to survive. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) You can make a distraction and sneak past them. echo 2) Go through the air vents. echo 3) Tranquelize them. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input3=Enter: if %input3% equ 1 goto shockgrenades if %input3% equ 2 goto airvent if %input3% equ 3 goto tranquilizer goto right :passwordhack cls echo Great you used the password hacker! echo You look through your glasses and see the coding system. echo. echo You now see what buttons to press. echo You go through the doors that had the password. echo It leads to a room with a whole lot of gaurds. But luckily there is a escape rout echo that you see through your glasses. The gaurds see you for a second but you... echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Duck behind cover. echo 2) Throw a smoke grenade and make a run for it. echo 3) Fight them off echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input4=Enter: if %input4% equ 1 goto duck if %input4% equ 2 goto smoke if %input4% equ 3 goto fight goto :passwordhack :specialight cls echo You use the special light and you see the fingerprints that echo showed the buttons that are regularly pressed. Now you pressed those buttons. echo You go through the doors that had the password. echo It leads to a room with a whole lot of gaurds. But luckily there is a escape rout echo that you see through your glasses. The gaurds see you for a second but you... echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Duck behind cover. echo 2) Throw a smoke grenade and make a run for it. echo 3) Fight them off echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input5=Enter: if %input5% equ 1 goto duck if %input5% equ 2 goto smoke if %input5% equ 3 goto fight goto specialight :shockgrenades cls echo You use the shock grenades! echo The armed men are stunned and you walk past them looking at them pitifully. echo. echo After you stun them you run past various hallways with the codes in your pocket. echo You reach a door going to the outside. You look outside to see there are police pointed at the door. echo There are like five hundred million police men, you look at your getaway vechicle, a $95,000 dodge charger, burned to a crisp. echo After sitting in a pile of tears, you look through your glasses and realize that there is a echo bullet and shock proof car in the middle of the Pentagon. echo You look back and see 2 ways to leave. echo Classic Left and Right. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Left --- echo 2) --- Right echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input6=Enter: if %input6% equ 1 goto left2 if %input6% equ 2 goto right2 :airvent cls echo You throw a smoke grenade and you sneak through the vents. echo You are in the vents for a long time. echo. echo As you crawl through the various vents you reach a section and get out. You start running through the hallways. echo You reach a door going to the outside. You look outside to see there are police pointed at the door. echo There are like five hundred million police men, you look at your getaway vechicle, a $95,000 dodge charger, burned to a crisp. echo After sitting in a pile of tears, you look through your glasses and realize that there is a echo bullet and shock proof armored 4x4 in the middle of the Pentagon. echo You look back and see 2 ways to leave. echo Classic Left and Right. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Left --- echo 2) --- Right echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input7=Enter: if %input7% equ 1 goto left2 if %input7% equ 2 goto right2 :tranquilizer cls echo You take out your tranquilizer gun and shoot the gaurds! echo Now you walk past them staring at them. echo. echo You reach a door going to the outside. You look outside to see there are poli ce pointed at the door. echo There are like five hundred million police men, you look at your getaway vechicle, a $95,000 dodge charger, burned to a crisp. echo After sitting in a pile of tears, you look through your glasses and realize that there is a echo bullet and shock proof armored 4x4 in the middle of the Pentagon. echo You look back and see 2 ways to leave. echo Classic Left and Right. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Left --- echo 2) --- Right echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input8=Enter: if %input8% equ 1 goto left2 if %input8% equ 2 goto right2 :duck cls echo Good job you jumped behind cover! echo You crawl until your so tired and you find a duck. Its a metal robotic duck. You program it with your glasses to echo attack the gaurds. While the gaurds are distracted by the amazing shiny metal duck, they dont see you running echo out of the room. Once you get out the room, the robotic duck follows you to two doors. You can go left or right. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Left --- echo 2) --- Right echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input8=Enter: if %input8% equ 1 goto left2 if %input8% equ 2 goto right2 :smoke cls echo After you throw your smoke grenade at the gaurds they can't see you while you run out of the room. The smoke runs echo out and they see that %name% isnt isn't there. You see a small robotic duck out of the corner of your eye while echo you run out of the room. You turn around in a quick manner and program the duck to take out the gaurds while you echo run out of the room. The duck follows you out into the doorway and you have two choices, left or right. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Left --- echo 2) --- Right echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input8=Enter: if %input8% equ 1 goto left2 if %input8% equ 2 goto right2 :fight cls echo You realize that there is no way out of this mess. You turn on your invisible cloak and turn on your taser stick. echo You sneak up on all the gaurds and then tase them. You peek out the doorway and out of the corner of your eye you echo see a robotic duck. You program the duck to attack the guards. You send him over, and the guards think it's just a echo toy, but then, it jumps on one of the guards, and knocks them out. The guards proceed to attack the duck, only to echo realize that it is indesructable. The guards fail to destroy the duck, and all end up knocked out. You walk out of the room echo and the duck follows you into the doorway, where there are two doors, left or right, you have to chose. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Left --- echo 2) --- Right echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input8=Enter: if %input8% equ 1 goto left2 if %input8% equ 2 goto right2 :left2 cls color 0a echo You chose left! While you are walking the robotic duck (Quakie) stops walking. Then you start to hear footsteps, there are 20 gaurds walking echo towards you. You ues your invisible cloak until they pass, then you just continue to walk. Then you finally see it, the armored 4x4! But sudenly, a echo gaurd yells "There he is!" pointing at you. Without hesatation, Quakie takes out all the gaurds then sprouts rocket feet and sets you right next echo to the armored 4x4. Using your glasses, you unlock the armored 4x4 and get inside. You are inside the armored 4x4 and the gaurds are shooting at echo you. As the bullets bounce off the armored 4x4, you see that you have two options to escape, the secret tunnel or the super big ramp. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Secret Tunnel echo 2) Ramp echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input9=Enter: if %input9% equ 1 goto secrettunnel if %input9% equ 2 goto ramp :right2 cls color 0a echo You chose right! While you are walking the robotic duck (Quakie) stops walking. Then you start to hear footsteps, there are 20 gaurds walking echo towards you. You ues your invisible cloak until they pass, then you just continue to walk. Then you finally see it, the armored 4x4! But sudenly, a echo gaurd yells "There he is!" pointing at you. Without hesatation, Quakie takes out all the gaurds then sprouts rocket feet and sets you right next echo to the armored 4x4. Using your glasses, you unlock the armored 4x4 and get inside. You are inside the armored 4x4 and the gaurds are shooting at echo you. As the bullets bounce off the armored 4x4, you see that you have two options to escape, the secret tunnel or the big ramp. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Secret Tunnel echo 2) Ramp echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input9=Enter: if %input9% equ 1 goto secrettunnel if %input9% equ 2 goto ramp :secrettunnel cls color 03 echo You drive into a secret tunnel. It takes a while, but you eventually get to a big glass tube, sturdy enough for you to drive on. After staring at the echo beautiful marine wild life, you started driving again. After a mile or two you start to feel bumps and you start to go slower. Suddenly you feel echo something pouring into your car. You realize that you are driving into the water! After trying to escape, you pass out. You wake up in a big clam with echo a helmet on your head. Your suit water resistance must've activated. You check the air meter, you have about 2 days of air left. You look around you to echo see your surroundings, you see a lady with red hair and a mermaid tail. You look in disbelief. She looks at you and says "Finally, you wake up!" You echo thin that your crazy, hallucinating... You see a yellow fish with blue lines, when it starts talking you you pass out again. Finally you wake up for echo the second time trying not to pass out. You try to communicate with them and make up a conversation, they explain what happened and take you to your car, echo where you look up and see a metal robotic duck floating. You feel sad, but you get through it. Over the next few years Flounder, the yellow and blue fish echo teaches you, or makes you remember how you breathed water like a baby when your mother was pregnant. You finally become friends with Ariel, the mermaid echo that saved your life, and live in the deep blue sea. echo. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Replay the game for more results echo 2) Exit and enjoy the rest of your day echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input10=Enter: if %input10% equ 1 goto startup if %input10% equ 2 exit :ramp cls color 02 echo You drove up the ramp! While you are flying through the air you get a missile warning, but it is too late. The missile does not make you echo explode, but it is enough to make your system malfuntion. SPLASH! right into shreks swamp. "What are yeh doin' in me swamp!" Shrek yelled. echo Shrek charges at Quakie and Quakies eyes turn red. Quakie quacks and usues his rocket feet to fly twards shrek. echo "BASH. Shrek and Quakie are fighting man to man combat. Shrek throws a right hook at Quakie. Quakie jumps up and hits Shrek in the face with echo his stubby tail. Shrek gets mad and goes back into his hut only to come out 5 minutes later with his wife, Fiona. They try to gang up on Quakie, but echo Quakie calls all his animal friends and start attacking Shrek and Fiona. Shrek stabs Quakie in his main CPU with a stick. Quakie falls to the ground echo and selfs destructs. Shrek turned to its back and didn't get affected by the impact. You get out of the armored 4x4 to avenge Quakie, but Shrek grabs echo your shirt and throws you deep into the swamp never to be seen again. echo. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 1) Replay the game for more results echo 2) Exit and enjoy the rest of your day echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p input10=Enter: if %input10% equ 1 goto startup if %input10% equ 2 exit