Introduction: Origami Paper People

This is my first Instructable, and it is for the papercraft contest. These are two origami people of my own creation. You can even draw on it whatever you want.

Step 1: Folding the Smaller Person

This one is a lot simpler and easier. This is actually Origami Yoda flipped upside down

1. Start with a square paper. A sticky note works great!

2. Fold it into thirds

3. Fold the edges over

4. Flip it over

5. Fold it over so it looks like the picture

6. Draw on a face, your DONE!

Step 2: Folding the Larger One

1. Start with the waterbomb base, If you don't know what this is, look it up. It is pretty easy.

2. Fold the right corner down. Unfold

3. Fold the right corner up. Unfold

4. Use these folds to make a bunny ear fold. Its kinda complicated, so look at the pictures. Have the "ear" folded down

5. Repeat on the left side

6. Flip it over.

7. Fold the right corner across the back.

8. Fold it back to the right.

9. Repeat on the left side

10. Fold the top edge down

11. Repeat on the left side

12. Flip it over

13. Draw on a face, your DONE!


Congratulations! You have made paper people out of origami. Comment and tell me what you think, as well as post pictures of your finished people.