Introduction: Origami Whip Crack
Step 1: Get a Sheet of Any Sized Paper
Step 2: Fold the Paper Across the Middle. Unfold.
Step 3: Fold the Paper Down the Middle. Unfold
Step 4: Fold the Left Edge to the Center Fold. Unfold.
Step 5: Cut Down the Center Line and the Quarter Line.
Step 6: Keep the Two Narrow Pieces and Discard the Large Piece or Perhaps Make Another Whip Crack With It!
Step 7: Fold in Half Unfold.
Step 8: Fold the Edges to the Center Fold.
Step 9: Fold in Half Along the Step 6 Crease.
Step 10: Repeat Steps 6-8 With the Other Piece of Paper
Step 11: Lay the Pieces Exactly Together, One on Top of the Other. Fasten Them Together With Pieces of Sticky Tape.
Step 12: Separate the Pieces Using the Center Folds
Step 13: Hold the Sticky Tape With Your Two Hands.
Step 14:
Bring Your Hands Together And Then As Quickly As Possible, Move Your Right Hand To The Right, Cracking The Two Pieces Loudly Together. Allow Your Right Hand To Slip Off The Paper -- This Will Enable You To Increase Your Speed And Make The Crack! Sound Louder.