Introduction: Youcan Toucan (origami)

About: I'm a DIYer. (Arent we all?) I like making things do things they're not supposed to do. Usually, they work for about five minutes, then explode in flames. XD I am an ultra Minecrafter (username=NO0B97) who ha…
I designed this origami model as a birthday present for my art teacher . The model starts with a bird base and if you didn't already know how to make it see my other 'ible.

P.S. this is the first toucan model on this site!! :D (I checked.)

Step 1: Supplies

You need: A square piece of paper, scissors, a bonefolder(not shown)(optional)

Step 2:

Make a bird base.

Step 3:

Fold top flap down.

Step 4:

Fold in half so the "legs" are hidden.

Step 5:

inside-reverse fold to make head/beak.

Step 6:

inside-reverse fold "legs" out and trim.

Step 7:

cut top slightly and fold down to a sort-of corner. draw eye.

Step 8: