Introduction: Outdoor Ghost Halloween Decorations

About: Being 11, I am the oldest child of 6 children. I live in Arizona and I love to create things! I can’t wait to share them with you!

I put all the outdoor Halloween decorations outside. I stepped back to look at them and I thought ,“There are hardly any on the house!” So I decided to make a few more. Our tree had nothing on it so I decided to make some ghosts to put in it. Here is how to make make them if you feel this way too. This is a very simple project, so kids can help out as well!


2 yards glittery decorative white fabric

Paper or styrofoam bowls

Hot glue

Black permanent marker

String or clear fishing line (you can find this on Amazon)



You can cover the stabilizers by doing two layers of opaque fabric and then add a layer of glittery tulle on top- if you don’t want to see them.

Step 1: Cutting the Fabric

First, we cut the fabric into 15.5 in. squares, or as close as you can get to that. It doesn’t have to be exact. Group together squares into 2 and line them up.

Step 2: Making Stabilizers

We need something to help the fabric keep its shape. So cut strips from the bowls as shown above.Glue them to the fabric in the middle with hot glue. Make sure you glue through both pieces of fabric.

Step 3: Faces

Now you need to color a bowl or two with the black marker for faces. I just cut circles for the eyes and teardrop shapes for the mouthpieces, but you could do it differently. Glue these on to the front of fabric.

Step 4: Finishing

Lastly, we will glue or tie string or fining line to our ghosts in order to hang them. Cut a piece about 10 in. long and glue it in the middle untied. You could also glue it on tied already; to hang on nails or things like that.

Step 5: Use

Hang in trees, on porch, or anywhere else you think is nice.