Introduction: Outdoor Protection Agains Mosquitos
Drinking tea in balcony can be fun during evenings in summertime, but mosquitos are there to make you go inside after huge bites.
Step 1: Get an "Fairy" Detergent for Dish
put few drops of fairy detergent an some water in your dominant hand (right hand for most of people) and rub detergent over the whole exposed skin surface (exposed legs or hands).
Step 2: Wait Until It Dries on the Body
you will feel some sensations while it is drying in your body. After 1-2 minutes it should be over.
Step 3: Enjoy You Bite-free Outdoor Stay
Every night i protect myself before going outdoor when i know that mosquitos are lurking around. Afterward wash the parta of the body with water.
Thats it. It worked for me, try it on your own risk and please give feedback.
Thats it. It worked for me, try it on your own risk and please give feedback.