Introduction: How to Build an Outside Stone Grill

We were having a 4th of July party with a weekend full of camping and needed a grill!

Instead of buying a cheaply made grill that would fall apart in two years. We decide to build our own, using reclaimed materials that we had around our farm.

Materials- metal grate, 40 stones, charcoal or wood and a chisel to shape stones.

Time- A few hours

Step 1: Placing the Stones

We used stones from a barn foundation that was falling in.

1. First, you want to use large flat rocks to build the stone pit.

2. Start by making a U shape pit, about 2 feet high. Took about 40 stones.
(It took a while to fit and shape the rocks so the stones were level.)

3. After the stone sides and back are secure, placed a few rocks at the base of the pit, to place charcoal/wood on.

Total size 2' × 3.5' × 4.5'

Step 2: Fitting the Grate

1. Last, cut the grate to fit top by using a electric grinder with cutting wheel.

2.Place flat rocks on top of the grate to keep it in place.

Step 3: Ready to Cook

Add some charcoal or wood and it's ready to go! I also can use my cast iron pans on this.

Turned out great and will be a permanent fixture in our backyard for many camp days and 4th of July's to come!

Step 4: Grilling All Summer Long

We've used this grill a lot more than we thoughg! we use about a bag of charcoal everytime we use it.

Follow us on Instagram @pinehillsfarm to see more pictures of our projects and farm!